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Автор Трой Денниг

Star Wars

Legacy of the Force

book 3


by Troy Denning

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For Connie and Mark Good friends who live in a city far far away acknowledgments

Many people contributed to this book in ways large and small. I would like to thank them all, especially the following: Andria Hayday for her support, critiques, and many valuable suggestions; James Luceno, Leland Chee, Howard Roffman, Amy Gary, Pablo Hidalgo, and Keith Clayton for their fine contributions during our brain-storming sessions-initial and otherwise; Shelly Shapiro and Sue Rostoni for everything, from their remarkable patience to their insightful reviewing and editing to the wonderful ideas they put forth both inside and outside of the brainstorming sessions-and especially for being so great to work with; to my fellow writers Aaron Allston and Karen Traviss for all of their hard work-coordinating stories and writing them-and their myriad other contributions to this book and the series; to all of the people at Lucasfilm and Del Rey who make being a writer so much fun; to Laura Jorstad for her outstanding copyediting; and, finally, to George Lucas for letting us take his galaxy in this exciting new direction.

Dramatis Personae

Allana; Chume’da, heir to the Hapan Throne (human female) Alema Rar; Jedi Knight (Twi’lek female)

Ben Skywalker; junior GAG member (human male)

C-3PO; protocol droid

Dur Gejjen; Five Worlds Prime Minister and Corellian

Chief of State (human male)

Han Solo; captain, Millennium Falcon (human male)

Jacen Solo; Jedi Knight (human male)

Jagged Fel; bounty hunter (human male)

Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight (human female)

Lady Galney; chamberlain (human female)

Lalu Morwan; former flight surgeon (human female)

Leia Organa Solo; Jedi Knight (human female)

Luke Skywalker; Jedi Grand Master (human male)

Lumiya; Dark Lady of the Sith (human female)

Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Master (human female)

Nashtah; assassin (female; human/unknown)

Nek Bwua’tu; Galactic Alliance admiral (male Bothan)

R2-D2; astrornech droid

Tenel Ka; Hapan Queen Mother (human female)

Zekk; Jedi Knight (human male)


The object of her desire was walking down the opposite side of the skylane, moving along a pedwalk so choked with vines and yorik coral that even the zap gangs traveled single-file.

He was two levels below and ten meters ahead, and he kept stopping to study door membranes and peer into the windows of coral-crusted buildings. Then he would just stand there in the gloom, alone and empty-handed, as though no Jedi need fear the dangers of the undercity ... as though he ruled the twilight depths down where Coruscant changed to Yuuzhan’tar.

Jacen Solo was as arrogant as ever-and this time, it would be his undoing.

The angle was perfect, almost too perfect. If she struck now, he would be dead almost as soon as he hit the pedwalk. Even if corpse robbers did not drop the body into the skylane, the only hint of what had killed him would be a tiny barb in his neck and a trace of venom in his nervous system. Nobody would know that his death had been an execution . . . not even Jacen.