Robert B Parker
Thin Air
For Joan: still the taste of wine
He had brought several silk scarves with him in a shopping bag and had used them to gag her and to bind her hands and feet.
"The silk is gentle," he had said to her. "It will not cut you as rope would. "
Now she lay helpless, full of fear and anger at her helplessness, on a mattress in the back of an old yellow Ford van, and he drove. As he drove he played with the radio until he found a country-western station.
"Here it is, Angel-90 FM, Rock Country, remember?"
If she raised her head, Lisa could see through the front windshield. The tops of trees went by, and poles and power lines. No buildings. So she wasn't in the city now.
"God, how long's it been, Lees? Ten months and six days. Nearly a year. Man, it's been a hard year… but now it's over. We're together. "
The van hit a pothole and Lisa bounced uncomfortably on the mattress on the floor of the van. The gag in her mouth was soaked with her saliva; she knew she was drooling a little.
"And that's all that matters," he said. "Whatever happened, happened, and it's over. Now it's all ahead of us. Now we're together. "
The van had slowed. They were in traffic. She could hear it, and the van braked often, making her slide around on the mattress.
It seemed like a brand-new mattress. Had he bought it for this? Like he'd bought the silk scarves? The van halted altogether. Through the windshield she could see the cab of a trailer truck beside them. If she could only wriggle forward a little maybe the truck driver would see her. But she couldn't.
He had looped a rope through her bound ankles and tied it to a ring in the van floor. She was anchored where she was. Traffic started again. The radio played, he sang along with it. The traffic stopped. He turned while they were standing and aimed an ancient video camera at her over the seat.
"Got to get this on tape, our first time together again. "
She heard the camera whir. "Look up, Angel, at the camera. "
She buried her face in the mattress. The camera whirred for another moment. Then it stopped and the van started up again.
Chapter 1
Outside the boxing cubicle which Henry had squeezed in next to his office was a Babylon of glass and chrome and spandex, where personal trainers, mostly young women with big hair, wearing shiny leotards, trained people on the politically correct way to tone up and be better. Many of them viewed me with suspicion. Henry said it was because I looked like I was there to repossess the equipment.