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Автор Робин Мак-Кинли

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Robin McKinley and Peter Dickinson

Water: Tales of Elemental Spirits

★ ʺMesmerizing stories. . . . The writing is lyrical, and the characterizations are remarkably well developed. . . . Emotions run the gamut—from fear and courage to love and joy. . . . A bountiful collection for fantasy lovers. ʺ

Booklist, starred review

★ ʺEnchanting tales . . . a consistently compelling, rhythmic tone. . . . These creative interpretations brim with suspenseful, chilling and wonderfully supernatural scenes. ʺ

Publishers Weekly, starred review

ʺTwo generally brilliant writers alternate first-rate tales. . . . The masterfully written stories all feature distinct, richly detailed casts and settings. . . .

There’s plenty here to excite, enthrall, and move even the pickiest readers. ʺ

School Library Journal

ʺMcKinley and Dickinson are each justly celebrated for fantasy writing. . . . Readers versed in these writers’ work will recognize familiar themes and references; newcomers will find scope for imagination; and all will be richly rewarded. ʺ

The Horn Book

For Jessica and Karen


A division of Penguin Young Readers Group.

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Text copyright © 2009 by Robin McKinley and Peter Dickinson. All rights reserved. This