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Автор Леонид Вишняцкий

Социальные  реконструкции

Social Reconstructions Reconstructii sociale

Л. Б. Вишняцкий Вооруженное насилие в палеолите

Место первой публикации - журнал Stratum plus. 2014. №1.

Keywords: Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, armed violence, embedded projectiles.

Cuvinte cheie: paleolitic, mezolitic, violenta armata, varfuri Tn oase.

Ключевые слова: палеолит, мезолит, вооруженное насилие, наконечники в костях.

L. B. Vishnyatsky

Armed Violence in the Palaeolithicоnce at different stages of the Palaeolithic. The first two sections provide a review and analysis of the osteological and representational evidence relevant to the question. The third section considers the problem of changes in the frequency of violence and how, or whether, it can be assessed. With this purpose in mind, the author compiles data on the age and character of all the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic human and animal bones with embedded projectiles, which are available in the literature (tabl.

1 and 2). It turns out that while for the time prior to ~ 15 ka only animal bones with imbedded projectiles are known in the Old World (10 bones of 10 animals from 9 sites in Western and Eastern Europe, Western Asia and Siberia), the subsequent period shows a sharp increase in the number of human bones of the kind, which became nearly as numerous (29 bones of 27 persons from 17 sites) as the animal ones. Given that the quantity of excavated faunal remains is several orders of magnitude greater than the quantity of paleoanthropological finds, the parity in the numbers of projectile-pierced remains may signify some important changes in the dynamics of violence (and social life in general) at the end of the Palaeolithic.

L. B. Vishnyatsky

Conflicte armate Tn paleolitic

Tn prezentul articol sunt analizate existenta §i intensitatea violentei armate la diferite etape ale paleoliticului. Tn primele doua compartimente ale studiului sunt trecute Tn revista datele relevante paleoantropologice §i artistice. Tn cel de-al treilea compartiment sunt evaluate schimbarile Tn intensitatea violentei armate Tn baza materialelor fosile. Au fost colectate §i pre- zentate (tabelul 1 §i 2) toate informatiile aflate la dispozitia autorului privind descoperirile de oase de oameni §i animale cu fragmente de varfuri din piatra sau os Tnfipte Tn structura osoasa, de pe siturile paleolitice §i mezolitice. Din datele prezentate rezulta, ca toate descoperirile de acest tip cu vechimea de peste 15000 ani sunt oase de animale (10 oase de la 10 indivizi de pe 9 situri). Dimpotriva, dupa limita de 15000 ani proportia se schimba brusc §i numarul de oase umane cu fragmente de arme Tnfipte Tn structura osoasa (29 oase de la 27 indivizi de pe 17 situri) devine aproape comparabil cu cantitatea de descoperiri similare pe oase de animale. Avand Tn vedere ca numarul de resturi faunistice este de cateva ori mai mare decat cel al descoperirilor antropologice, o asemenea paritate poate reflecta schimbari esentiale Tn dinamica violentei armate (§i Tn viata comunitatilor, la general) de la sfarfitul paleoliticului.