A disturbing drama of fear and horror, BATMAN: TERROR chronicles one of the Dark Knight's earliest encounters with the psychotic Scarecrow. As Batman pursues the elusive Catwoman, the Scarecrow enters into an unholy alliance with the unbalanced Hugo Strange and enacts a terrifying plan. Using the feline fatale and the romantic attraction that she shares with the Dark Knight, the twisted villain subjects the Caped Crusader to a nightmare of fear and despair. Now as Batman fights to regain hi...
A disturbing drama of fear and horror, BATMAN: TERROR chronicles one of the Dark Knight's earliest encounters with the psychotic Scarecrow. As Batman pursues the elusive Catwoman, the Scarecrow enters into an unholy alliance with the unbalanced Hugo Strange and enacts a terrifying plan. Using the feline fatale and the romantic attraction that she shares with the Dark Knight, the twisted villain subjects the Caped Crusader to a nightmare of fear and despair. Now as Batman fights to regain his sanity, he must rely on his unparalleled detective skills and his indomitable will power to overcome the perverse king of terror. Книга «Batman: Terror» авторов Джимми Палмиотти, Doug Moench, Paul Gulacy оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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