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Автор Child Maureen

Thirty Day Affair

Maureen Child

To Christie Ridgway, Susan Crosby,

Liz Bevarly, Anna DePalo and Susan Mallery.

Great writers all,

they made being a part of this series so much fun!


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Coming Next Month


“Hunter,” Nathan Barrister muttered as he stared at the mammoth wood-and-stone mansion on the shores of Lake Tahoe, “if you were here right now, I’d kill you for this. ”

Of course, Hunter Palmer wasn’t there and Nathan couldn’t kill the man who had once been his first—and best—friend, because he was already dead.

The ice around Nathan’s heart thickened a little at the thought, but he used his long years of practice to ignore that tightening twinge. Regrets were a waste of time.

“As big a waste as the next month is going to be. ” He climbed out of his rental car and stepped into a mound of slush he hadn’t even noticed.

With a disgusted sigh, he kicked the dirty snow off the polished toe of his shoe and told himself he should have listened to the clerk at the rental agency. She had tried to tell him that renting a four-wheel-drive car would make more sense than the sports car he preferred.

But who the hell expected snow in March for God’s sake?

A wry grin curved his mouth briefly. He should have expected it. He’d grown up back east and should have remembered that snow could hit anytime, anywhere. Especially this high up in the mountains. But he’d spent so much time trying to forget his past, was it really surprising that even the weather had the ability to sneak up on him?

The air was cold and clean, and the sky was so blue it made his eyes ache. A sharp wind whipped through the surrounding pine trees, rustling the needles and sending patches of snow falling to the ground with muffled plops.

Nathan shivered and shrugged deeper into his brown leather jacket. He didn’t want to be here at all, let alone for a solid month. He never stayed anywhere for more than a few days at a stretch.

And being here made him think about things he hadn’t allowed himself to remember in years.

Reluctantly, he headed for the front of the house, leaving his bags in the car for the moment. The crunch of his shoes on the ground was the only sound, as if the world were holding its breath. Great. Fifteen minutes here and his brain was already going off on tangents.

He shouldn’t be here. He should still be in Tahiti at his family’s hotel, going over the books, settling disputes, looking into expansion. And next month, he’d be in Barbados for a week and then Jamaica. Nathan moved fast, never giving himself a chance to settle. Never risking more than a few days in any one place.

Until now.

And if there had been any way at all of getting out of this, Nathan would have taken it. God knows, he’d tried to find a loophole in his friend’s will. Something that would have allowed him to keep both his own sense of duty in place and his sanity intact. But even the Barrister family lawyers had assured him that the will was sealed nice and tight. Hunter Palmer had made sure that his friends would have no choice but to honor his wishes.