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Автор Сальва Александр

Александр Сальва

Of modern and true love // О современной и настоящей любви

Alexander Salva was born in 1981 in Yakutsk in the family of an engineer and an economist.

He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of P.  G.  Demidov Yaroslavl State University and the Faculty of Law of the Higher School of Economics, Moscow. He defended his thesis on economics at National Research University of Electronic Technology (MIET). He has been working in various branches. At present the author is engaged into business, married, has two daughters. Likes poetry, music and swimming.

The novel «Of modern and true love» is his first printed publication.

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Александр Сальва родился в 1981 году в г. Якутске в семье инженера и экономиста. Закончил экономический факультет ЯрГУ им. П.  Г.  Демидова и факультет права ГУ ВШЭ г. Москвы. Защитил диссертацию по экономике в МИЭТ. Работал в различных областях.

В настоящее время занимается бизнесом, женат, воспитывает двух дочерей. Увлекается поэзией, музыкой и плаванием. Роман «О современной и настоящей любви» является его первым печатным изданием.

Novel in verse

Of modern and true love

While we were studying our classes,Inspired by the books of love,And clearly seeing all life’s dullness,While having left our years behind. And then without any noticeAmong the daily fuss and stirThis event suddenly arose,Of which you further will be told. Please meet my heroes: they are splendid,So beautiful in their youth,They still don't know even a bit,That it’s of them we tell the truth. I probably will start with the heroine:No, not in Moscow she was born,In countryside where she was living,Her early days had slowly gone. In dullness. Though her parents loved her,Praised every moment, all her stepsAnd they were saving for a dowry,For worthy life, as good as that. Days passing by, she became boredAmong her family and friends,And then she urgently resolvedTo flee from all these cloudy days. So, for her soul edificationAnd with the previous life at parting,Ahead, in hope and expectationShe rushed off to the non-native town. Where skyscrapers’rereflected in the puddles,Where are mercantile selfish creeps,Where girls are looking for a husband,Without any love to feel. Forgive me, oh, mysterious reader,Forgot the most important thing,It’s time to show her appearance,Describe our lovely heroine. She was a beauty, that’s for sureAnd there’s no need in any words,So tall, with hair to midshoulder,So brave, with tongue just like a sword. She did not like the others’ twittingAnd treasured kindness in the folkAnd name that destiny had givenTo her, had clear meaning «Hope». It seemed to Nadya there were plentyTroubles to find a chosen oneBut this impression was deceptive(I’ll tell you how it had begun)While in the capital, so heartless,Because of job that couldn’t be found,She, like a bird, so free and lovelyWas mixed with local party crowd. Where serenity is reigningAnd parties are until the dawnAt places, where for time-wasting,They want to meet someone unknown. In clubs for whole days she was drifting,And, tried to find the sense in this. As if her conscience woke from sleeping,Searched for acquaintance without risk,And with some profit. This occurred:These idle days came to an endShe found the support, to be sure,Due to her close and faithful friends. A job she suddenly was offeredAt Moscow company, one of allWhere they hired tag, rag and bobtailWhere chance for luck is quite a small. Nadezhda wasn’t upset: she startedWorking so hard all her days longAnd soon she saved for a new apartment,She entered into a certain loan.
It seemed like nothing else was lackingWith such success that she had reached:The things went smoothly, coherently,All was perform without a hitch. And then one day in the park, just whereShe walked her way in the moonlightFeeling so fine, so bright and dared,Our hero chanced to catch her sight. With a friend he went on, laughing,Approaching closely Nadya’s dreamAnd suddenly, a little frightened,He saw his fortune in the gleams. And time stood still. The moment lasted,His could not turn away his eyes,From her. Time was so small for realizingThings that occurred as surprise. She smiled at him, her smile was dazzling. And, seeing him near on the path,Just once again she in amazementTurned to him, and he merged with crowd. This moment was when two hearts’ beatingWas heard in spite of vanity,To fall in love was meant this meetingTo overcome the calamity. Yes, that’s of course was love at first sight,About which the songs are sungAnd even if it’s so demanded,This gift is not for everyone. But let’s get back at our hero:With all the courage that he had,Having seen such a girl so near,He slowly followed all her steps. And having pulled right from his pocketThe banknote, he shouted out loud:«Wait, girl, here money you’ve dropped. That I occasionally have found». And Nadia, seeing that’s a jokeAnd thinking she could join the play. Said: «Well, here’s the money I have dropped,But where and how – I can’t tell…“Their hearts were beating so insane. They looked into each other’s face. And even a friend then went awayAnd left them standing at that place. They summer park was looking brightly,So let her soul in evening timeRest with the soul of him in silence,When lasts this dream with all its charm. Street lanterns were so brightly twinklingLeaves whispered something to the wind,And bird was marvelously singingAnd love inspired everything. So, they went on, and trees were dancing,And passers-by, casting down their eyes,Were so surprised, extremely jealousAbout the destiny’s surprise. All this didn’t matter. They didn’t care:About someone’s glimpse or other things,And Nadya suddenly rememberedThat hadn’t known the name of him. “Since we are barely acquainted,– She started talking openly, —And you up to curry favor,Please tell your name to me”Without stringency our heroSo simply turned to her and told:“My name is Dmitriy, or just Dima —If you prefer this name to call. ”And they continued conversation,About everything in lifeThis moment had some queer sensation,In which they were entirely plunged. New day was dawning, they felt sorrow,The talk was ended, though it was timeFor him to see her off, the night was over,He couldn’t stand their first goodbye. «I have one place for you to show,All Moscow for this day belongsTo us, although this place isn’t known,This secret seems to be so close…»And then, without hesitation,Without telling empty words,Agreed this heavenly creation,And went with him along the road. They came to clean and tidy shore,And here meet the new day’s dawnThe Moscow-river slightly murmured,And lovers here were alone. Oh, Heaven! This indeed was lovely —To watch this action to beginWhen in the sky the sun was rising:Fight with the night it had to win. Sky in purple-colored dressing,And rays were spreading all around,The sun was shining and caressing,Touched everything that very night. Our hero, gathered all his strength,And having found the better minuteAll doubts gone, just like a wicked fate,He’s not afraid, no shame, no fear. He came so closely to herAnd gave his darling tender huggingAnd with his voice, so mannish, gentle, lowHe said her just three words: «I love you…»No answer. And she held her breath,Her soul was singing very loud:Such guys aren’t easy to be metThe better life isn’t easy to be found. She touched him with a pretty smile,Just as before, and none of them pretended,The fate indulged them for little while,This minute when the first kiss happened. They stood there just for little while,With joy in their eyes, so lovely and so happy,It was the time to say goodbye,They weren’t asleep of what had happenedTo them. Her home wasn’t near. They finally approached it, and thenFor the acquaintance to be clear,He took her contacts, then he went. And at parting at her doorway,For decent manner to be kept,Nadezhda said to her companionThe words he hardly could forget.