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Автор Элли Блейк

Happy New Year!

I hope 2007 is going to be a great New Year for you. It certainly is going to be an exciting year for Harlequin Romance! We’ll be bringing you:

More of what you love!

From February, six Harlequin Romances will be hitting the shelves every month. You’ll find stories from your favorite authors, as well as some exciting new names, too!

A new date for your diary…

From February, you will find your Harlequin Romance books on sale from the middle of the month. (Instead of the beginning of the month. )

Most important, Harlequin Romance will continue to offer the kinds of stories you love—and more! From royalty to ranchers, bumps to babies, big cities to exotic desert kingdoms, these are emotional and uplifting stories, from the heart, for the heart!

So make a date with Harlequin Romance—in the middle of each month—and we promise it will be the most romantic date you’ll make!

Happy reading!

Kimberley Young

Senior Editor

Dear Reader,

When the tourism ads claim that Far North Queensland is beautiful one day, and perfect the next, they’re not kidding!

The area is dappled with waterfalls and tropical rain forests, miles of roadside banana plantations and crocodile-infested rivers, pristine white sandy beaches and the glorious blue-green waters of the Great Barrier Reef. And after holidaying in that part of the world last year, the premise for Meant-To-Be Mother was born.

Leisurely Cairns seemed a perfect place in which to drop my feisty, jet-setting heroine, Siena Capuletti, a woman who feeds off the frenetic pace of the city. Or if she had her way, it would be a different city every week.

Surrounded by people reveling in the laid-back beach culture, she was bound to go a little stir-crazy.

All I had to do was throw James Dillon in her path—a man who warmed her faster that the North Queensland sun, whose smile was as tummy-tingling as the boat ride to Green Island—and just as worth the wait—and who had a better reason to stay in Cairns than Siena had to leave. Poor thing had no chance!

Happy reading,


Meant-To-Be Mother

Ally Blake

Having once been a professional cheerleader, Ally Blake’s motto is “Smile and the world smiles with you. ” One way to make Ally smile is by sending her on holidays, especially to locations that inspire her writing. New York and Italy are by far her favorite destinations. Other things that make her smile are the gracious city of Melbourne, the gritty Collingwood football team and her gorgeous husband, Mark.