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Автор Герман Никифоров

Зоя Дудченко, Герман Никифоров

Психология здоровья в России: у истоков

German S. Nikiforov, Zoya F. Dudchenko

Origins of Health Psychology In Russia

The Handbook of Health Psychology

Saint Petersburg 2019


This book is the first attempt to reveal the contribution of Russian scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists of the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries to the development of the concept of healthy personality. Their work led to the new thinking and development of health psychology as a distinct discipline in our country.

This handbook is considered to be an additional material to the courses “Health Psychology”, “History of Psychology”.

This handbook is designed for student in undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate programs in psychology, as well as lecturers, researchers and practical psychologists, who works in domain of healthy personality within the framework of health psychology.


Health is a crucial component of active and sound human life’s activity and wellbeing. Significant disturbances in it may cause changes in lifestyle, established practice of communication with the outside world, behavior and experience, possible work incapacity and above all may undermine individual’s future plans. Health is quite a complex, inherently multiple-factor phenomenon, and its manifestations can be discussed at the physical, psychological and social levels of consideration. Health traditionally used to be in focus of medicine. But at the same time different factors, that contribute to heath, are discussed in terms of philosophy, pedagogy, sociology, ecology and some other sciences. And health psychology is arguably of key importance among them in Russia since 1980s.

Central to health psychology is the concept of healthy personality, its formation and maintaining. Primary focus is on an individual as a subject of a mental health and health promotion for healthy person.

Consequently, from the perspective of long-range strategy, sufficient efforts for prevention the factors that cause mental diseases can produce essentially great effect. The conception of health of a healthy person is eventually translating into action. Several forums such as “The Health of the Nation is the Foundation Stone of Russia’s Prosperity” have already been held. The focus there was on the promotion and maintenance of health of healthy people and issues regarding healthy lifestyle. For the first time in modern, both Western and Russian psychology, an attempt to enounce in an explicit way the conception of the psychological pathways to human life-long wellbeing was made. This was embodied in a series of consequent publications: “Health Psychology of a Preschooler” (2010), “Health Psychology. School Age” (2008), “Psychology of Occupational Health” (2006), “Gerontopsychology” (2007).

In 2013, the first in Russia monograph “Healthy Personality”, which was meant to draw attention to the development of one of the most significant domains of health psychology was published. Among the priority issues are to reveal and understand the nature and influences of factors underpinning the formation of a healthy personality. In the 21st century, there appeared to be a big challenge for modern society to revise and rethink some deep-rooted traditions and sets of beliefs, that have not proved its value in the domains of upbringing and education, professional employment, recreation and leisure time activities, as well as nutrition. A priority is placed on the refuse the philosophy of consumer society and gaining belief that the spirituality should come to the fore. The foundation stone of healthy personality is its commitment to spiritual and moral values.