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Автор Александр Скуридин

Alexander Skuridin

Cargo 069

Short novel

Sci-Fi Thriller

© Alexander Skuridin, 2020

© International Union of writers, 2020

Alexander Skuridin

Alexander Nikolayevich Skuridin is a member of the Writers' Union of Russia since 1998. Was bom in Georgia. He studied at the Ukhta Industrial Institute with a degree in geology and exploration of oil and gas fields (Ukhta, Komi).

Author of several books of prose. Recent publications: the fantastic novel “Maria. Future Visitor” (ERA, Moscow, 2014).

In 2018 novel “Operation of “Marlboro” published by “International Union of Writers” (Moscow). In the same year, under the aegis “International Union of writers” the competition of books passed in English language. Story “Cargo 069” brought the rank of laureate and medal of V. Nabokov to the author. A book prepares to edition in London.

This year in Moscow (publishing house “ISP”) will be published a novel it “Hunts on “Bargusin”.

Chapter 1

Major Archibald Gottlieb was preparing a report in his tiny office. He was in an awful mood. The commanders demanded only the highest results, but he didn’t have any. US battle mages have just started full-fledged activities against their perpetual nemesis – Russia.

For sure, there has been some success and not just tactical one. The guys from Gottlieb’s team managed to intrude into Russia’s holy of holies – the shipyards where atomic submarines were built – and even dawdle over some novelties in submarines introduced by Russians.

What happened next was a complete disaster. Antipodes of the enemy’s battle psychics team learned how to put the block and all the efforts of battle mages withered on the vine.

Mages and psychics… such distinction of terms was introduced by Lieutenant Colonel Henry Wood, commander of a special, separate, top-secret military unit. As the Russians say, there is a small choice in rotten apples…

A mage is a completely different category meaning the universality of the individual, his ability to blend with nature and after all, to control it. “This is a higher level than an odious psychic!” he solemnly declared at the banquet on occasion of the President’s decree on the creation of the “fighting fighters” military unit.

“Warriors…” he snorted in anger raising his glass of champagne. “We are not some stupid infantrymen with a grenade and an assault rifle, but intellectuals, the brains of the entire army. ” Here’s to us, mages!. .

This idiot Wood reckoned himself in this glorious category! He doesn’t know shit from the real sensitive job. All he can do is read information in the team, that’s all. A real sensitive or a mage for Wood is always a lone wolf. He can easily go beyond the limits of everyday life and soar, without any collective efforts to support him!

But after one of the best mages, Harry Menvil, was killed in the astral duel, the commander issued an order: “Henceforth, you shall not get directly involved in any sensitive war with Russians without an order”. This was actually right: the battle mages never managed to find out the identity of the cool Russian psychic or even to get a bit closer to the place where the Russian astral group was based. These uneasy Russian guys were surrounded by a powerful permanent force screen, which none of the battle mages could get through.