Читать онлайн «Традиционная и современная культура: история, актуальное положение, перспективы»

Автор Л. К. Салиева

Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ» Belarusian State Academy of Music New Bulgarian University Penza State Technological University Tashkent Islamic University TRADITIONAL AND MODERN CULTURE: HISTORY, ACTUAL SITUATION, PROSPECTS Materials of the IV international scientific conference on September 20–21, 2014 Prague 2014 Traditional and modern culture: history, actual situation, prospects : materials of the IV international scientific conference on September 20–21, 2014. – Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ». – 176 p. – ISBN 978-80-87966-53-2 ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Sergey N. Volkov, doctor of philosophy, professor, head of philosophy department in Penza State Technological University. Nataliya Ts. Khristova, doctor of history, associate professor on the theory and history of culture of the art studies and history of culture department in the New Bulgarian University. Nikolay V. Shimanskiiy, candidate of art studies, associate professor of the theory of music department in the Belarusian State Academy of Music. B. A. Doroshin, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the philosophy department of Penza State Technological University. Umidjon R. Kushaev, Ph. D. , senior research associate at Tashkent Islamic University. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of cited publications, facts, figures, quotations, statistics, proper names and other information. These Conference Proceedings combines materials of the conference – research papers and thesis reports of scientific workers and professors. It examines the problematic of traditional and modern culture. Some articles deal with questions of diversity of species and trends of classical and contemporary culture. A number of articles are covered problems of social, political, educational and infocommunication aspects of culture. УДК 008 ISBN 978-80-87966-53-2 The edition is included into Russian Science Citation Index. © Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «Sociosféra-CZ», 2014. © Group of authors, 2014. CONTENTS I. TRADITIONAL CULTURE: STUDY, CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Хитеева В. С. Явление культуры – текст (организм, явленный в письме)... ... ... ... . 7 Гончарова Е. О. Проблема сохранения и использования традиционной культуры ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... 13 Яхонтова М. М. Традиционная свадебная обрядность русско-украинского пограничья: современное состояние... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . 18 Поповичева И. В. Традиционная культура Тамбовского края: народные представления о беременной женщине... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 21 Щевьёв А. А. Столкновение или симбиоз? Об особенностях многоукладной культуры «мирских» и старообрядцев (на примере жизни села Коровка Рязанской области) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 31 Сафиуллина Э.