The sensually sizzling story of the lives and loves of vampires, mind readers, and all manner of creatures, continues! With creative collaboration from True Blood creator/writer/producer Alan Ball, actor/writer Michael McMillian (Steve Newlin of True Blood) begins a climactic arc that will threaten to rip up Bon Temps at its roots - and has a former Merlotte's waitresses returning from the dead! Книга «True Blood Volume 6: Here We Go Again» авторов Майкл Гэйдос, Michael McMillian, Beni Lobe...
The sensually sizzling story of the lives and loves of vampires, mind readers, and all manner of creatures, continues! With creative collaboration from True Blood creator/writer/producer Alan Ball, actor/writer Michael McMillian (Steve Newlin of True Blood) begins a climactic arc that will threaten to rip up Bon Temps at its roots - and has a former Merlotte's waitresses returning from the dead! Книга «True Blood Volume 6: Here We Go Again» авторов Майкл Гэйдос, Michael McMillian, Beni Lobel оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 0.00 из 10.
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