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Автор Алексей Решетун

Alexey Reshetun

If These Bodies Could Talk: True Tales of a Medical Examiner


4th Magistralnaya 5, bld. I

Office 159-169

123007, Moscow, Russia

Managing Editor: Marina Krasavina

Project Editor: Natalia Pepelina

Translator: Sonja Swenson-Khalchenia

Copyeditor: Kevin Bridge

Proofreaders: Karen O'Donnell, Beth Dymond

Cover design: Yuri Buga

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review.

Copyright © 2021 by Alexey Reshetun

© Electronic edition. Alpina, 2022

Alexey Reshetun

If These Bodies Could Talk: True Tales of a Medical Examiner / Alexey Reshetun; – M. : Alpina, 2021.

ISBN 978-5-9614-7711-5

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To my colleagues – the forensic medical examiners at the Moscow Forensic-Medical Bureau.


It has been over a year since the first edition of my book was published. During that time, I have given many talks in several cities, given media interviews, and even been recognized in the street a few times (I am famous!). I have received over one hundred letters, both emails and handwritten, two of which invited me to join an organization to save the universe, the others simply expressing gratitude. I answered all of them, other than the two from another realm. It is nice when all kinds of people you do not even know like your work. That was a new feeling for me, something I was not used to.

Before the first edition came out, I had no idea what kinds of things readers would share with me. I learned that many of them were really interested in finding out more about my specialty, that they were able to look beyond old prejudices, and some were even able to re-evaluate their lives. It would seem that my work was done. After all, the book came out, and people liked it. But, my dear readers, you have rightly pointed out to me that some things were missing from the book. I have tried to include them all here.

In this new edition, I will talk about the many types of tools we use at work. Each of them has a specific purpose. I will also talk about what we do in the lab, about exhumations, motorcycle injuries, dismemberment, and iatrogenesis, and, finally, about some of my favorite students.

Some chapters include case studies and quotes from real criminal cases.