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Автор John Escott


Dead Man’s Island


When someone has a secret and doesn’t want other people to know about it, we say that they have ‘a skeleton in the cupboard’. Most people have secrets they are not proud of. Carol Sanders has. She has a ‘skeleton’, and it follows her wherever she goes. Her secret makes her more and more unhappy; slowly, but certainly, it is ruining her life.

And then Carol meets someone with an even bigger secret. His secret is so big that he needs a whole island to hide it on. Perhaps Carol is the best person to find out what his secret is.

But if she does, what will he do? Will he be pleased to share his secret, or will he be angry, very angry? It depends what his secret is. It all depends what kind of ‘skeleton’ he is hiding behind the locked door – the locked door that Carol is going to open.

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