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Автор Эмма Чейз




Also by Emma Chase










It’s a Wonderful Tangled Christmas Carol







Royally Screwed, Copyright © 2016 by Emma Chase

All Rights Reserved. Except as permitted under the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


Cover Design: By Hang Le

Interior Book Design: Coreen Montagna




To Billy & Molly:

For every hilarious, sweet memory, every awesome, awful story,

for the laughter and love and for being the best big brother and little sister in the whole world.







It’s not always easy coming up with a new story idea. Every author wants to write something epic—an entertaining, heartwarming book that will resonate with readers, with loveable, sexy, funny characters that will stay with them long after The End.

But sometimes, inspiration takes a holiday, leaving a writer to flounder with the question: What am I going to do next? The idea for Royally Screwed and the Royally Series was a few months in the making. I’d had some thoughts about a few potential stories—even some outlines—but none of them grabbed me by the throat and said, “This... this is the story you have to write. ” A phone call with my amazing agent, Amy Tannenbaum, changed that. 
I’ve often said that my first reading love was historical romance, but my favorite stories to write are contemporary romances. And I, like most of the public, am fascinated by the comings and goings of today’s modern royals—it’s such an elite, unique form of celebrity (and the babies are adorable!!).

During my brainstorming session with Amy, those passions and interests created the perfect storm of inspiration . . . and Royally Screwed was born.

In the days that followed, I went on a writing bender. Frantically jotting down notes and outlines and little snippets of dialogue, not just for Royally Screwed—but for the books that will follow. That’s not usually how I work. Typically, I’m consumed by one story—one couple’s journey—and everything else fades to the background. But for this series, I fell completely in love with all the couples—every character—the entire world was a fantastic combination of realism and fictional. There was just so much to sink my writing teeth into.

First and foremost, there was the romance—the exciting, entertaining, exhilarating journey of two people finding each other, falling in love and overcoming every obstacle that gets in their way. But there were other themes too—the intrusive public thirst to know every detail of a public figure’s life, the idea of family obligation and the sacrifices we make for the people we love. The captivating idea of modern day royalty— these attractive, wealthy but also typical twenty-something’s who are bound by rules and traditions that are literally centuries old.