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A dvance pr ai se for Daring Greatly “A wo nder ful bo o k: ur g ent, essential, and fun to r ead. I co uldn’t put it do wn, and it co ntinues to r eso nate with me. ”

—Seth Go din, New York Times bestselling autho r o f Linchpin “The br illiantly insig htful Br ené Br o wn dr aws upo n extensive r esear ch and per so nal exper ience to explo r e the par ado xes o f co ur ag e: We beco me str o ng by embr acing vulner ability, we dar e mo r e g r eatly when we ackno wledg e o ur fear. I can’t sto p thinking abo ut this bo o k. ”

—Gr etchen Rubin, New York Times bestselling autho r o f The Happiness Project and Happiness at Home

“In Daring Greatly , Br ené Br o wn r efer s to her self as bo th a mapmaker and a tr aveler. In my bo o k, that makes her a g uide. And I believe the wo r ld needs mo r e g uides like her who ar e sho wing us a wiser way to o ur inner wo r ld. If yo u’d like to set yo ur co ur se o n being mo r e co ur ag eo us and co nnected, eng ag ed and r esilient, leave the GPS at ho me. Daring Greatly is all the navig atio n yo u’ll need. ”

—Mar ia Shr iver, New York Times bestselling autho r o f Just Who Will You Be?

Daring Greatly is an impo r tant bo o k—a timely war ning abo ut the dang er o f pur suing cer tainty and co ntr o l abo ve all. Br ené Br o wn o ffer s all o f us a valuable g uide to the r eal r ewar d o f vulner ability: g r eater co ur ag e. ”

—Daniel H. Pink, New York Times bestselling autho r o f Drive and A Whole New Mind

“What I find r emar kable abo ut this bo o k is the unique co mbinatio n o f so lid r esear ch and kitchen-table sto r ytelling .

Br ené beco mes such a r eal per so n in the bo o k that yo u can actually hear her vo ice asking , ‘ Have you dared greatly today? ’ The invitatio n in this bo o k is clear : We must be lar g er than anxiety, fear, and shame if we want to speak, act, and sho w up. The wo r ld needs this bo o k and Br ené’s unique blend o f war mth, humo r, and butt-kicking makes her the per fect per so n to inspir e us to dar e g r eatly. ”

—Har r iet Ler ner, Ph. D. , New York Times bestselling autho r o f The Dance of Anger and Marriage Rules:

A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up

“One o f the tr ag ic ir o nies o f mo der n life is that so many peo ple feel iso lated fr o m each o ther by the ver y feeling s they have in co mmo n: including a fear o f failur e and a sense o f no t being eno ug h. Br ené Br o wn shines a br ig ht lig ht into these dar k r ecesses o f human emo tio n and r eveals ho w these feeling s can g naw at fulfillment in educatio n, at wo r k, and in the ho me. She sho ws to o ho w they can be tr ansfo r med to help us live mo r e who lehear ted lives o f co ur ag e, eng ag ement, and pur po se. Br ené Br o wn wr ites as she speaks, with wisdo m, wit, cando r, and a deep sense o f humanity. If yo u’r e a student, teacher, par ent, emplo yer, emplo yee, o r just alive and wanting to live mo r e fully, yo u sho uld r ead this bo o k. I do uble dar e yo u. ”