The year is 1954 and Lieutenant Ota Murakami is on hand when Godzilla makes first lanfall in Japan. Along with his pal, Kentaro, Ota makes a desperate gamble to save lives...and in the process begins an obsession with the King of the Monsters that lasts 50 years! Collects James Stokoe's mini-series in an oversized hardcover with an expanded art gallery including new content. Книга «Godzilla: The Half Century War» автора Джеймс Стоко оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг ...
The year is 1954 and Lieutenant Ota Murakami is on hand when Godzilla makes first lanfall in Japan. Along with his pal, Kentaro, Ota makes a desperate gamble to save lives...and in the process begins an obsession with the King of the Monsters that lasts 50 years!
Collects James Stokoe's mini-series in an oversized hardcover with an expanded art gallery including new content. Книга «Godzilla: The Half Century War» автора Джеймс Стоко оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 5.00 из 10.
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