Dalton Trumbo’s posthumous work, this novel tells the story of an old unrepentant Nazi official named Grieben. Former chief of the Auschwitz concentration camp, the protagonist is motivated by a boundless desire for power & by what seems to be an inability to receive love. In autobiographical form, Grieben ensnares us in the sadism of his youth, the cruelty of his relationship with a woman who was half-Jewish & the indescribable horror of the Holocaust. Книга «Night of the Aurochs» автора Далтон...
Dalton Trumbo’s posthumous work, this novel tells the story of an old unrepentant Nazi official named Grieben. Former chief of the Auschwitz concentration camp, the protagonist is motivated by a boundless desire for power & by what seems to be an inability to receive love. In autobiographical form, Grieben ensnares us in the sadism of his youth, the cruelty of his relationship with a woman who was half-Jewish & the indescribable horror of the Holocaust. Книга «Night of the Aurochs» автора Далтон Трамбо оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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