Suffering from every malady in the book except housemaid's knee, three man and a dog decide to head for a restful vacation on the Thames. Anticipating peace and leisure, they encounter, in fact, the joys of roughing in, of getting their boat stuck in locks, of being towed by amateurs, of having to eat their own cooking and, of course, of coping with the glorious English weather. Three Men In a Boat is the hilarious story of what is probably the worst holiday in literature. Книга «Three man...
Suffering from every malady in the book except housemaid's knee, three man and a dog decide to head for a restful vacation on the Thames. Anticipating peace and leisure, they encounter, in fact, the joys of roughing in, of getting their boat stuck in locks, of being towed by amateurs, of having to eat their own cooking and, of course, of coping with the glorious English weather.
Three Men In a Boat is the hilarious story of what is probably the worst holiday in literature. Книга «Three man in a boat, to say nothing of the dog» автора Джером К. Джером оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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