"With all superheroes ordered to internment camps until research can prove that they aren't a diseased risk to humanity, and one of the world's most powerful heroes now a mind slave to mysterious powers, who will stand to save humanity from the shadowy group taking over the world? "Fans of superhero comics will find this series aims to provide a more thought-provoking, adult-oriented narrative." Книга «The Victories №6: Posthuman Part 1, November 2013» автора Майкл Эйвон Оэминг оценена посетител...
"With all superheroes ordered to internment camps until research can prove that they aren't a diseased risk to humanity, and one of the world's most powerful heroes now a mind slave to mysterious powers, who will stand to save humanity from the shadowy group taking over the world? "Fans of superhero comics will find this series aims to provide a more thought-provoking, adult-oriented narrative." Книга «The Victories №6: Posthuman Part 1, November 2013» автора Майкл Эйвон Оэминг оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.60 из 10.
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