The Long Vigil
Jerome Charyn
Published with assistance from the foundation established in memory of
Philip Hamilton McMillan of the Class of 1894, Yale College.
Lyrics from “Mrs. Robinson” copyright © 1966, Paul Simon;
used by permission of the publisher, Paul Simon Music.
Copyright © 2011 by Jerome Charyn.
All rights reserved.
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Set in Janson Roman type by Newgen North America
Printed in the United States of America.
Charyn, Jerome.
Joe DiMaggio : the long vigil / Jerome Charyn.
p. cm. —(Icons of America)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-300-12328-9 (cloth : alk. paper)
DiMaggio, Joe, 1914–1999. 2. Baseball players—United States—Biography. I. Title.
GV865. D5C53 2011
796. 357092—dc22
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Mark Crispin Miller,
It is as if DiMaggio expects her to understand, with of course never a word being said, that he has not arrived at his eminence in Toots Shor’s along with Hemingway and one or two select sports writers and gamblers because he is dumb or gifted or lucky but because he had an art that demanded huge concentration, and the consistent courage over the years to face into thousands of fast balls any of which could kill or cripple him if he were struck in the head.