The characters, locations and events portrayed in this book are a work of fiction or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
This is an adult erotic paranormal romance book with love scenes and mature situations. It is only intended for adult readers over the age of 18.
I am very thankful to everyone who helped me create this book:
~My husband, for being my biggest supporter. I love talking with you about the hot love scenes I write. You give me great feedback and ideas. You are my inspiration.
~My children, for being so patient with me, while I spend time working on the book. You are the best kids ever!
~Julie Roberts, editor, who spent hours reading, editing and proofreading Logan’s Acadian Wolves. I really could not have done this without you!
~PickyMe Artist, who helped me to create Logan’s sexy cover.
~My beta readers, Cat, Denise, Elizabeth, Gayle, Julia, Julie, Leah, Liz, Nadine, Sharon, Stephanie, Sunny, for volunteering to beta read the novel and provide me with valuable feedback. You are incredible!
~My street team, for all your kind words and for helping spread the word about the Immortals of New Orleans series.
Chapter One
Logan clamped his canines deep into the gritty fur until his opponent whimpered in defeat. The iron-tinged blood only served to further spur his anger. For months, he’d fought challenges to his claim as Alpha. Like the increasing winds of a hurricane, his power grew with every battle. Yet he’d been merciful, never killing another wolf. But tonight, he’d had enough. It was time to put an end to the challenges and force acceptance. As the sanguine droplets coated his tongue, Logan growled. The cowering brown wolf held still, cognizant that a struggle would surely bring his demise.
Sufficiently satisfied with the submission, the Alpha seamlessly transformed. His naked muscular body stood statuesque, rippled in unadulterated strength. Dripping in sweat and blood, Logan’s dark eyes narrowed on the shaking form at his feet then rose to scan the sea of eyes watching him, waiting for his next word.
“This ends tonight,” he growled, addressing the pack. “The next challenge set forth to me will end in death. There’ll be no mercy. I am Alpha. Who here challenges me next?”
Power surged through his veins. Logan sent a small threatening tendril toward his wolves, both a warning and an ultimatum. A faint murmur from the crowd ended as quickly as it started. The tension was palpable, yet the hum of acquiescence danced in the silence of the night. A binding calm blanketed the pack as one by one each wolf crouched down in submission, tails wagging, acknowledging their new leader.
Logan felt it as sure as he knew he was wolf;