This is a science fiction novel of enormous scope and ambition, filled with wonders, that expands Brian Stableford's future history series. Hundreds of years in the future, further ahead than the settings of Inherit the Earth and Architects of Emortality, Motimer Gray is born into a world in which he potentially can live forever. But after a traumatic natural disaster that kills millions, Gray devoted the next 500 years of his life to a study of death and its effects on human civilisation, ...
This is a science fiction novel of enormous scope and ambition, filled with wonders, that expands Brian Stableford's future history series. Hundreds of years in the future, further ahead than the settings of Inherit the Earth and Architects of Emortality, Motimer Gray is born into a world in which he potentially can live forever. But after a traumatic natural disaster that kills millions, Gray devoted the next 500 years of his life to a study of death and its effects on human civilisation, viewed from a post-death perspective. Through it all, readers see the broad, large-scale accumulation of change and the growth of humanity on Earth and out to the stars. Книга «The Fountains of Youth» автора Брайан Стэблфорд оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
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