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Автор Трой Денниг

Star By Star by Troy Denning P margin-top 0. 05em; margin-bottom 0. 3em; text-indent 1. 3em; line-height 1. 1em; text-align left H1,H2margin-top 0; margin-bottom 0; font-family Arial H3 margin-top 2em; margin-bottom 0. 5em; font-family Arial; font-size 120 P. credit font-family Arial; text-indent 0; margin-top 0 P. dedication text-indent 0; margin-top 0 P. acknowledgements text-indent 0; margin-top 0 P. dramatis text-indent 0; margin-top 1em; margin-bottom 1em

Star By Star

Troy Denning

[05 jan 2003-scanned for bookz]

[06 apr 2003-proofed for bookz by friendy]

To Andria

For advice, encouragement, and more


Many people helped make this book possible. I would like to thank them all, especially Curtis Smith for introducing me toStar Wars writing all those years ago; Mary Kirchoff, who drew my attention to the possibility; and Matthew Caviness, Kevin McConnell, and Ross Marton, three specialStar Wars fans who were never far from my thoughts during the writing.

Thanks are also due to Mike Friedman and Jenni Smith; fellow NJO writers R. A. Salvatore - what a setup! - Mike Stackpole, Jim Luceno, Kathy Tyers, Greg Keyes, Elaine Cunningham, Aaron Allston, and Matt Stover, who all contributed to this story through endless compromising and brainstorming; Shell Shapiro and all the people at Del Rey, especially Chris Schluep, Kathleen David, and Lisa Collins; to Sue Rosstoni and Lucy Autrey Wilson at Lucasfilm, as well as Chris Cerasi, Leland Chee, Dan Wallace, and everyone else there who made this project such a pleasure. And of course, thanks to George Lucas for letting me play in his galaxy. DRAMATIS PERSONAE

Alema Rar; Jedi Knight (female Twi'lek)

Anakin Solo; Jedi Knight (male human)

Bela Hara; Jedi Knight (female Barabel)

Borsk Fey'lya; chief of state (male Bothan)

C-3PO; protocol droid

Cilghal; Jedi Master (female Mon Calamari)

Eryl Besa; Jedi Knight (female human)

Ganner Rhysode; Jedi Knight (male human)

Han Solo; captain,Millennium Falcon (male human)

Jacen Solo; Jedi Knight (male human)

Jaina Solo; Jedi Knight (female human)

Jovan Drark; Jedi Knight (male Rodian)

Krasov Hara; Jedi Knight (female Barabel)

Kyp Durron; Jedi Master (male human)

Lando Calrissian; resistance fighter (male human)

Leia Organa Solo; former New Republic diplomat (female human)

Lowbacca; Jedi Knight (male Wookiee)

Luke Skywalker; Jedi Master (male human)

Mara Jade Skywalker; Jedi Master (female human)

Nom Anor; executor (male Yuuzhan Vong)

R2-D2; astromech droid

Raynar Thul; Jedi Knight (male human)

Saba Sebatyne; Jedi Knight (female Barabel)

Tahiri Veila; Jedi Knight (female human)

Tekli; Jedi Knight (female Chandra-Fan)

Tenel Ka; Jedi Knight (female human)

Tesar Sebatyne; Jedi Knight (male Barabel)

Tsavong Lah; warmaster (male Yuuzhan Vong)

Ulaha Kore; Jedi Knight (female Bith)

Vergere; adviser to Tsavong Lah (female Fosh)

Viqi Shesh; senator (female human)

Zekk; Jedi Knight (male human)

They appeared without warning from beyond the edge of galactic space a warrior race called the Yuuzhan Vong, armed with surprise, treachery, and a bizarre organic technology that proved a match too often more than a match - for the New Republic and its allies. Even the Jedi, under the leadership of Luke Skywalker, found themselves thrown on the defensive, deprived of their greatest strength. For somehow, inexplicably, the Yuuzhan Vong seemed to be utterly devoid of the Force. The alien assault caught the New Republic unawares. Before they could rally and strike back, several worlds were destroyed and countless beings killed - among them the Wookiee Chewbacca, loyal friend and partner of Han Solo.