Tom Clancy, Mark Greaney
Command Authority
UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT John Patrick “Jack” Ryan: President of the United States
Dan Murray: attorney general of the United States
Arnold Van Damm: President’s chief of staff
Robert Burgess: secretary of defense
Scott Adler: secretary of state
Mary Patricia Foley: director of the Office of National Intelligence
Jay Canfield: director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Admiral James Greer: director of intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency
Judge Arthur Moore: director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Keith Bixby: chief of station, Kiev, Ukraine, Central Intelligence Agency
THE U. S. ARMED FORCES Admiral Mark Jorgensen: chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Eric Conway: Chief Warrant Officer Two, United States Army, OH-58D Kiowa Warrior pilot
Andre “Dre” Page: Chief Warrant Officer Two, United States Army, OH-58D Kiowa Warrior copilot
Barry “Midas” Jankowski: lieutenant colonel, United States Army, 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta
Harris “Grungy” Cole: captain, United States Air Force, F-16 pilot
THE CAMPUS / HENDLEY ASSOCIATES Gerry Hendley: director of The Campus / Hendley Associates
John Clark: director of operations
Domingo “Ding” Chavez: operations officer
Sam Driscoll: operations officer
Dominic “Dom” Caruso: operations officer
Jack Ryan, Jr.
: operations officer / intelligence analyst
Gavin Biery: director of information technology
Adara Sherman: director of transportation
THE BRITISH Sir Basil Charleston: director general of Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)
Anthony Haldane: international financier, ex — Foreign Office
Victor Oxley aka Bedrock: 22nd Special Air Service Regiment — Officer, British Security Service (MI5)
David Penright: officer, SIS (MI6)
Nicholas Eastling: SIS officer, Counterintelligence Section
Hugh Castor: managing director, Castor and Boyle Risk Analytics Ltd
Sandy Lamont: senior business analyst, Castor and Boyle Risk Analytics Ltd
THE RUSSIANS / THE UKRAINIANS Valeri Volodin: president of the Russian Federation
Roman Talanov: director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) of the Russian Federation
Stanislav Biryukov: director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of the Russian Federation
Sergey Golovko: ex-director of the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) of the Russian Federation
Oksana Zueva: leader of the Ukrainian Regional Unity Party
Tatiana Molchanova: television newscaster, Novaya Rossiya (New Russia)
Dmitri Nesterov, aka Gleb the Scar: vory v zakonye (“thief-in-law”), operative of the Seven Strong Men criminal organization
Pavel Lechkov: Seven Strong Men operative
OTHER CHARACTERS Caroline “Cathy” Ryan: First Lady of the United States
Edward Foley: husband of Mary Pat Foley, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Dino Kadic: Croatian assassin
Felicia Rodríguez: Venezuelan university student
Marta Scheuring: “urban guerrilla” of the Red Army Faction