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Автор Мэриан Кейз

This Charming Man

By the Same Author


Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married

Rachel’s Holiday

Last Chance Saloon

Sushi for Beginners

Under the Duvet


The Other Side of the Story

Further Under the Duvet

Anybody Out There?

This Charming Man MARIAN KEYES


an imprint of



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First published 2008


Copyright © Marian Keyes, 2008

The moral right of the author has been asserted

Brightness Falls by Jay McInerney © Jay McInerney, 1992. Extract reproduced by permission of Bloomsbury

Publishing and Alfred A. Knopf. The Four Loves by C. S. Lewis © C. S. Lewis Pte. Ltd, 1960. Extract reprinted by permission.

‘Devil Woman’, Words & Music by Terry Britten & Kristine Sparkle. All rights on behalf of Warner/Chappell Music Ltd and SGO Music Publishing Ltd. Reproduced by permission. ‘I Got You Babe’, Words & Music by Sonny Bono, © 1966 Cotillion Music Inc. and Chris-Marc Music Ltd. All rights on behalf of WB Music Corp administered by Warner/Chappell Music Ltd, London W6 8BS.

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For Caitríona Keyes, the funniest person I’ve ever met


This book took an embarrassingly long time to write, also my short-term memory isn’t what it was – apparently this is what happens when you’re perimenopausal (not menopausal, I should stress; that’s still decades away, and by the time it happens I’ll be grand again and back winning Mastermind) – so there’s a very good chance that someone may have given me invaluable help at an early stage in the book and that I’ve now completely forgotten. If you are that person, I am truly sorry.