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Автор Макклеллан Брайан

He watched her proceed down the stairs, troubled for a reason that he could not pinpoint, the smell of jasmine perfume lingering behind her.

When he’d managed to shake himself of his reverie, he looked down at the summons in his hand and proceeded down the hallway. He entered a small antechamber, where the general’s secretary immediately ushered him into the general’s office.

The man behind the desk was not General Seske.

Tamas snapped to attention. “Colonel Westeven, sir!”

The colonel was a tall man, thin as a fencepost, and in his late forties, he was already completely bald. He was one of the few superiors for which Tamas felt any sort of respect. Both a capable commander and politician, he was expected to be named general before the end of the year.

“Sit down, Captain,” Westeven said without looking up from the letter he was writing.

“Thank you, sir. ” Tamas took the chair across from Westeven and smoothed out the message he received. “I was told that I was to meet General Seske here, sir. ” He resisted the urge to rub at his nose. He could still smell the Privileged’s jasmine perfume.

“General Seske is in Budwiel,” Westeven said.

Tamas frowned. “Sir?”

Westeven finally looked up. His face was somber. “The general has me handling all of his business while he is on holiday. ”

“I see. ”

“Indeed. Captain, do you mind if I call you Tamas?”

Tamas hesitated. The colonel was acting very strangely. “No, sir. ”

“Tamas, I like to think of myself as an honest man, so I will not lie to you. Until five minutes ago I had intended to present you with papers honoring your advancement to the rank of major. I would have done so with pleasure. ”

Tamas wet his lips.

This was not going anywhere good, and he didn’t trust himself to speak.

“Five minutes ago, I was informed that you have been accused of cheating in a duel. Furthermore …”

Tamas leapt to his feet, hand on his small sword. “That is a lie!”

“Furthermore,” Westeven continued, talking over him and gesturing that he sit, “I have been instructed to suspend you until we can convene a hearing before two magistrates and two members of the General Staff. ”

“I must protest, sir! I would never do such a thing. My last duel was completely legal and witnessed by two seconds. My opponent was barely wounded!”

“Be quiet, Captain, and let me speak!” Westeven gave a frustrated sigh. “Your suspension from duty begins immediately. I know this means you’ll miss the next campaigning season in Gurla, and I know how much that means to you. But this is a grave accusation that the Adran army takes most seriously. ”

“Sir, the hearing may not be for months. ”

“That is true,” Westeven admitted.

“Is Captain Linz my accuser?“

“I’m not able to give you that information right now,” Westeven said. “And I strongly suggest that you don’t do anything rash. You and I both know that a man of your station cannot afford to make any mistakes. ”

“Which is why I would not have — ” Tamas began.

Westeven cut him off. “That is not for me to decide. Again, Tamas, I do this regretfully. ” He got to his feet and crossed to the window, clasping his hands behind his back as he looked out over the square below. “I’m your greatest admirer, Tamas. Only a handful of commoners have ever risen to captain in the Adran army and none of them have made major. Unlike many of my colleagues, I see it not as an embarrassment to the system but rather a testament to your own skill and bravery. I’ve watched you lead men into battle. I’ve seen you fight. You’re a damned good soldier and a natural leader. ”