Читать онлайн «The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen / Приключения барона Мюнхгаузена. Уровень 1»

Автор Рудольф Эрих Распе

Soon my companion arrived in search of me. After mutual congratulations, we measured the crocodile, which was forty feet in length.

The skin of the crocodile makes a capital article in the public museum at Amsterdam. The exhibitor relates the whole story to each spectator.

The Baron and His Horse

What severe weather and climate! Suddenly I saw an old beggar; he was lying on the road, helpless, shivering. He had nothing to cover his nakedness. I pitied him. Though I felt the severity of the air myself, I threw my mantle over him, and immediately I heard a voice from the heavens:

“You will be rewarded, my son, for this!”

I went on.

I saw no village. The country was covered with snow, and I was unacquainted with the road.

Oh! The village was covered with snow overnight; then there was a sudden change of weather. I sank down to the churchyard whilst asleep, gently. But what was above the snow? It was not a pointed stump of a tree, to which I tied my horse: it was the cross of the church! And the horse could not go down. What to do?

The Baron and the Wolf