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Автор Тимонг Лайтбрингер

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All I feel now is the pain, All my hopes were but in vain, And there is no one to blame... Damn it, have I gone insane ?! Will this be all just the same, Am I but a soul lame, Cursed to be left alone With no love, no hope, all prone? If I'm such a foul man - Then ignore me when you can, Never giving any hope, Never leaving me to mope ! Oh, my girl, but you insist... Yes, I’m able to resist, Yes, I may not surrender... Will that help, I truly wonder? Oh, I can bury my feeling And become the coldest being, "Normal" man without heart, Yes, I can resist you, but ... You will drop me soon enough Just to find the man that's tough - One, that's able to resist, One, whose heart will never twist. Trust me, I am used to this, I do have to pay my fees All in hope to find one day Only one, who won't say "nay", Only one, chosen for me... I will find her, you'll see ! But for now I won't resist, Have some pleasure, at the least... People all walk strangest ways, Passing by without trace, Hoping to find love one day And forget to say theirs "nay"...

Зимнее время

It was the time of retribution, Of thoughts all dying in confusion, It was one coldest winter day When sun had moved off the way. There is no hope for it to come And all illusions are now gone, The only thought that's left to pry Is endless question - "Why ? Why ? Why ?!" Why to ignore without answer ? Why hiding soul in the panzer ? Ignored ones now maybe few... Some day they’ll start ignoring you. Why to give hope ? There is no reason If you believe it to be treason, If heart belongs to other man Then answer "no" - that's better than ! Why to keep silence when one "no" - And hope will die without grow, And I won't ever bother you... Ignored ones ... are they but few ? I will not be that "spare haven" ! On death won't feast like bloody raven, I'll find another, truly sun... I am again in the run.
The time will pass, I will forget Of winter sun that made me sad, Of heatless sun that did but hide And disappeared from the sight. And as for you, I will that tell - I'll say : "Goodbye. Fare Thee Well. "


Who is the one to do things right, Who has the perfect future's sight And who has will to gain these ? Those ones who have - stand by now, please. No one believes he can be wrong Like weakling dreams that he is strong, Like loony states that he's all right - Just all the others aren't bright. Like that it's normal to believe That lonely men are always stiff, Divorced women are the stinkers … Yet all of us considered thinkers. Oh man, it's common to believe That death is the eternal grief, That life is such an endless race With wildly rising-dropping pace, That one should never be alone, That happy days already gone, And world will never be all right - Cause all the others aren't bright. And it's all known we possess The right to make some constant mess, We call it "freedom" by the way... That inborn right to fray and pray. I just won't say that these are wrongs … The hundred times it's sung in songs, The thousand times it's told by lives Of common folk who were just wise. I cannot say that they were right, For modern us they don't seem bright, Still they did not posses believes That are the source of endless grief. The one I call the truly wise Is that who has no prejudice, The one who has the clear sight, For only he will make things right. One day you'll act as you see fit And thus refuse some other's bid To make it way it ought to be, And once you've made it - you are free.