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Книги Элли Блейк

Элли Блейк - автор 21 книги. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Ледяная кровь, Nightblood, Огненная кровь. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Ледяная кровь
Ледяная кровь

Семнадцатилетняя Руби – Огнекровная: она умеет высекать пламя и распространять тепло благодаря магической силе, которой наделена с рождения. Однако в королевстве, где правят Ледокровные, а ее собственный народ жестоко преследуется, девушка вынуждена скрывать свой огненный дар, иначе ей грозит смерть или заточение. К несчастью, происхождение Руби не удается сохранить в тайне, и это приводит к смерт...


Ruby's world has changed more than she ever could have imagined. She's in love with a powerful Frost King. She's the heir to the Fire Throne. And she may be a Nightblood--the spawn of a vengeful deity hellbent on releasing his wraithlike Minax from their prison. Once freed, these beasts will roam the earth, devouring every last person until he or she is nothing but an empty husk. Bu...

Огненная кровь
Огненная кровь

Вопреки всему, Руби, победила злодейского Ледяного Короля и уничтожила его ледяной трон. Но кровожадный Минакс который был в ловушке внутри трона теперь на свободе, он бродит по ее королевству и преследуют всех кого она любит. Ответы на его кончину можно найти на юге в Судазии, в стране Огнекровных людей, в стране, которая хранит секреты силы и прошлого Руби… Несмотря на предупреждения от своег...


All hail the Fire Queen. Against all odds, Ruby has defeated the villainous Frost King and melted his throne of ice. But the bloodthirsty Minax that was trapped inside is now haunting her kingdom and everyone she loves. The answers to its demise may lie to the south in Sudesia, the land of the Firebloods, and a country that holds the secrets to Ruby?s powers and past? Despite warnings from h...

Современная проза
The Secret Wedding Dress
The Secret Wedding Dress

Breaking her nodates rulePaige Danforth isn’t interested in setting herself up for an unhappyeverafter – thanks to her father’s betrayal, the closest she’ll ever get to walking down the aisle is as a bridesmaid. But one bridal sale later Paige is left clutching her own champagne chiffon wedding dress! Clearly she needs to end her selfimposed dating drought…Enter devilishly hot neighbour Gabe Hamil...

Любовный роман
Невеста бывшего друга
Невеста бывшего друга

Согласившись выйти замуж за принца Алессандро Хьюго Джиордано, Сэди сбегает из дворца прямо в день свадьбы и чуть не попадает под колеса машины, за рулем которой сидит старый школьный друг Хьюго, Уилл Дарси. Оказавшись в безвыходном положении, она принимает помощь Уилла, который догадывается о том, кто она такая, но не спешит сообщить ей об этом. Уилл больше всего хочет поскорее избавиться от нее,...

Современная проза
Marriage Material
Marriage Material

Lawyer Romy Bridgeport is used to demanding clients–but millionaire Sebastian Fox wins hands down! All he's ever wanted is a happy marriage and kids–so he's asked Romy to make him into marriage material! Does such a project require all Romy's legal training? Er, no–yet as a valued client, Romy has to take him on…Only, when her work is done, Romy can think of only one suitable wife: herself!

Любовный роман
Романтическая неделя с шафером
Романтическая неделя с шафером

Харпер Эддисон приезжает на свадьбу младшей сестры и встречает там свою школьную любовь: парня, который когда-то разбил ее сердце. Теперь же это красивый и обаятельный мужчина. Смогут ли они воскресить свою школьную любовь? У них есть всего неделя, чтобы исправить ошибки прошлого…

Современная проза
A Father in the Making
A Father in the Making

Nate Lyster and Mia Verbeek are in perfect agreement–letting someone new into your life is much too risky. Mom to four kids, Mia can't let just anyone get close, while wandering cowboy Nate learned young that trusting another means chancing heartbreak.But when a fire turns Mia's life upside down, Nate is the only one who can get through to her traumatized son. Nate fits into Mia's family perfectly...

Любовный роман
Придуманный жених
Придуманный жених

Талантливая программистка Эви Крофт приехала из провинции в Мельбурн покорять большой город. Каждое утро по пути на работу она встречает в вагоне поезда темноволосого красавца. Очарованная Эви в шутку прозвала его своим бойфрендом. «Кто этот загадочный мужчина?» – гадает она. Ответ на свой вопрос девушка неожиданно получает в офисе Джонатана Монтроуза – гуру информационных технологий, где сталкива...

Современная проза
A Mother for His Daughter
A Mother for His Daughter

Just as Gracie had run out of money and was about to book her flight home to Australia, she'd been rescued! A gorgeous Italian had hired her to live in his magnificent Tuscan home and be nanny to his little girl!Luca was just as thrilled–for the first time since he'd lost his wife smiles and laughter were back in his daughter's life. He didn't want Gracie to leave, so he had a proposal for her: wo...

Современная проза
How To Marry A Billionaire
How To Marry A Billionaire

Dream job – dreamier man – nightmare situation!Cara Marlowe's new TV job will make her career, as long as nothing goes wrong.So it's bad news that billionaire Adam Tyler wants the show stopped, and it's worse that Cara can hardly concentrate with the gorgeous tycoon around! Cara doesn't need billions, but she does want Adam the man – and her job, too!Will she have to make a choice?

Современная проза
Falling for the Rebel Heir
Falling for the Rebel Heir

All she wants is to feel safeNever going beyond the boundaries of her small town, Kendall York craves safety and security since the accident that injured her and claimed her fianc&232 's life. Danger is his middle name Returning from his latest assignment as a war-zone correspondent, risk-taker Hudson Bennington III finds Kendall swimming in the pool at his estate, and is enchanted.Will she say ye...

Современная проза
The Wedding Wish
The Wedding Wish

Party planner Holly Denison decides that if she is ever going to have the leading role in her own wedding party, she has to take matters into her own hands! Surely her best friends can fix her up on a few blind dates?Sure, they say. And that's how Holly meets Jake Lincoln. He's gorgeous, rich and successful. In fact, he's perfect marriage material–if only Holly can get Jake to agree…

Современная проза
Wanted: Outback Wife
Wanted: Outback Wife

When Jodie Simpson met her long-lost sister, Louise Valentine, she didn't realize the biggest adventure of her life was about to begin. With her visa about to expire, and desperate to stay in Australia, Jodie has a plan…she'll marry for convenience!Jodie is offering a one-year marriage, with no strings attached. So why does sexy cattle rancher Heath Jameson, who is almost certainly looking for a l...

Современная проза
Billionaire On Her Doorstep
Billionaire On Her Doorstep

Billionaire Tom Campbell had to leave the city – it held too many memories. Now he's content with the pace of life in the sleepy town of Sorrento, beachcombing and fishing in the deep blue sea. No complications. Then he walks up to the doorstep of Maggie Bryce's ramshackle mansion, and he can see both are in need of some loving care.Maggie's alluring mystique captures the billionaire's heart and h...

Современная проза
Meant-To-Be Mother
Meant-To-Be Mother

Single-father James Dillon's life is dedicated to his young son. Then a beautiful, stylish stranger appears on his doorstep and he can't ignore the magnetism between them.Siena Capuletti's homecoming was only meant to be fleeting–the mistakes of her past are still ruling her head. Yet as she spends time with gorgeous James and his adorable son, she knows she's losing her heart to them.Is she the j...

Современная проза
Faking It to Making It
Faking It to Making It

A dilemma, a deal… a date!Charmer Nate Mackenzie is in the middle of a plus-one dilemma for his friend’s wedding. Any of his recent dates would start dreaming of a solitaire for their own left hand. Worse, going stag will leave him at the mercy of a set-up by his ever-hopeful sisters. Discovering that Saskia Bloom is doing on-line dating research for a website, he strikes a deal. She’ll take the r...

Современная проза
The Shock Engagement
The Shock Engagement

Emma's colleagues had been shocked and delighted she was marrying the oh-so-successful-and-gorgeous dot com millionaire Harry Buchanan. Only, the engagement was purely for convenience…It would help Harry get out of the excruciating «hunkiest male» competition–and in return he would help save her job. But Emma had dreamed of marrying Harry for years–and so acting engaged was practically torture. Ki...

Современная проза
Marriage Make-Over
Marriage Make-Over

She was supposed to be «single and loving it»…Kelly works hard to love every minute of being single. She even started writing a column about it–but she harbors a secret she could never tell her readers…she's married!Instead she finds she's in love–with her husband!She hasn't seen her hubby in five years–until now! To her horror, her famed column has brought gorgeous Simon hotfooting back to Melbou...

Любовный роман
Соблазненная на его условиях
Соблазненная на его условиях

Эмбер Грантли – дочь известных адвокатов из Канберры. В детстве родители мало уделяли ей внимания и вспоминали о ней, лишь когда им надо было прорекламировать свою благотворительную деятельность… Эмбер подала на них в суд, чтобы лишить их родительских прав, и ушла из дома. Она скиталась по разным городам, терпела мытарства, пока не оказалась в Ясных Горах – благословенном уголке Австралии. Там она...