Алджернон Чарлз Суинберн - автор 23 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Поэтический мир прерафаэлитов / The Poetic World of the Pre-Raphaelites, Сад Прозерпины, Молю, успейте внять стихам моим... / Heel Well This Rhyme Before Your Pleasure Tire.... Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Книга "Поэтический мир прерафаэлитов" впервые представляет поэзию прерафаэлитов, их предшественников и последователей в своеобразном диалоге с визуальными образами: многие стихи создавались одновременно с картинами или по их сюжетам; в свою очередь, многие картины были вдохновлены поэзией. В книге одиннадцать поэтических имен. Читатели смогут познакомиться с новыми переводами, которые были в...
В книгу вошли стихи А. Ч. Суинберна.
В настоящее издание вошли избранные произведения классика английской поэзии Алджернона Чарлза Суинберна. Тексты представлены на английском и русском языках, а переводы выполнены такими мэтрами как М.Донской, Б.Пастернак, В.Рогов, С.Степанов и др. Издание приурочено к 175-летию со дня рождения Поэта.
Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909) was a Victorian era English poet. His poetry was highly controversial in its day. He is considered a decadent poet. Many of his early and still admired poems evoke the Victorian fascination with the Middle Ages, and some of them are explicitly medieval in style, tone and construction, including The Leper, Laus Veneris, and St Dorothy. His mastery of vocabular...
Locrine - A Tragedy - By A. Swinburne
This volume comprises a selection of the poetic works of Swinburne. Castigated by his contemporaries for his treatment of moral, spiritual and political rebellion, and his sometimes sadistic and blasphemous subject matter, his poetry is imaginative through both classical and romantic traditions.
Republican, pagan, a sensualist alive to pleasure and to pain, Swinburne flouted the rules of Victorian decorum and morality in his life and work He created a unique means of expression through what Tennyson called his 'wonderful rhythmic invention', and yet his verse was influenced by poets from numerous periods and countries. Many of his poems are opulent hymns to sensual love, in all ...
Swinburne . . . was one of those not very numerous poets whom their contemporaries have treated with justice. The different attention which he received at different periods very fairly corresponded to differences, at those periods, in the quality of his writing. He was neither steadily overrated, like Bighorn, nor steadily underrated, like Shelley, nor, like Wordsworth, derided while he wrote well...
1THE SEABOARDThe sea is at ebb, and the sound of her utmost word Is soft as the least wave's lapse in a still small reach. From bay into bay, on quest of a goal deferred, From headland ever to headland and breach tobreachWhere earth gives ear to the message that all days preachWith changes of gladness and sadness that cheer and chide,The lone way lures me along by a chance untried That haply, if h...
1875. A collection of verse by the poet Swinburne who is one of the very few, since the days of Raleigh and Sidney, to come from the aristocracy. He was also well-known for his sexual proclivities and debauched lifestyle. See other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.
A tragic drama in verse of Mary Stuart and the French poet
Настоящее издание представляет на суд читателей одну из самых знаменитых и, можно сказать, самых обсуждаемых и критикуемых книг– сборник «Стихотворения и баллады. Первая серия», изданный в 1866 году талантливейшим английским поэтом эпохи викторианства Алджерноном Чарльзом Суинберном (1837–1909). В сборник вошли 62 стихотворения разной тематики и направленности. Эротико-романтические, лирические, и...