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Книги Давида Лопеса

Давид Лопес - автор 8 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Капитан Марвел. Том 1. Выше, дальше, быстрее, больше, Captain Marvel Vol. 3: Alis Volat Propriis, Captain Marvel Vol. 2: Stay Fly. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Капитан Марвел. Том 1. Выше, дальше, быстрее, больше
Капитан Марвел. Том 1. Выше, дальше, быстрее, больше

С недавних пор Кэрол Дэнверс осела на Земле, но когда на нашу планету падает спасательная капсула с загадочной инопланетной девочкой, Капитан Марвел принимает судьбоносное решение - вернуться в космос! Ей предстоит схватка с силами Галактического Альянса и шпионами коварных спартанцев. К счастью, она будет не одна, ведь на помощь к ней придут не только новые друзья, но и старые знакомые из Стражей...

Captain Marvel Vol. 3: Alis Volat Propriis
Captain Marvel Vol. 3: Alis Volat Propriis

Captain Marvel's time as an astronomical avenger has pitted her against some of the worst the galaxy has to offer (lookin' at you J'Son). The Haffensye Consortium has been tracking Captain Marvel and Tic for weeks. Now, they've finally caught up to them both! Captain Marvel was barely able to survive the last time she squared-off against the Haffensye - think she'll be so ...

Captain Marvel Vol. 2: Stay Fly
Captain Marvel Vol. 2: Stay Fly

Carol's bombastic adventure through space with her pet cat, Chewie, continues! But when they have an unexpected alien visitor, Carol learns that something Rocket Raccoon said to her was right: there's more to Chewie than meets the eye! Chewie is a Mom...to hundreds! Where was she hiding all those Flerken eggs, and is this the end for Carol and her pet? Marcio Takara, the incomparable art...

Batman: The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul
Batman: The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul

Batman's immortal foe, Ra's al Ghul, should be dead at last - so how has he returned to haunt The Dark Knight? And what does his return have to do with Batman's teenaged son, Damian - whose mother is Ra's al Ghul's daughter, Talia? It will take thecombined skills of Batman, Robin and Nightwing to get to the bottom of these mysteries and stop Ra's al Ghul's insidi...

New Mutants: A Date with the Devil
New Mutants: A Date with the Devil

In the wake of the events of X-Men: Schism, the New Mutants find themselves at a crossroads. A decision needs to be made that will change their lives forever. Featuring fan-favorite artist David Lopez (Hawkeye & Mockingbird, Mystic).

X-Men by Brian Wood - Volume 1: Blank Generation
X-Men by Brian Wood - Volume 1: Blank Generation

Superstar writer Brian Wood (Wolverine & the X-Men: Alpha & Omega, DMZ, Demo, Northlanders) takes over the X-Men! When a new race of mutants is discovered, Storm's team investigates - and learns the secret origin of the Proto-Mutants! But tensions are running high back on Utopia, as even though Storm's team reports to Cyclops, she has her own very definite agenda! How long can Storm keep an increa...

X-Men by Brian Wood - Volume 2: Reckless Abandonment
X-Men by Brian Wood - Volume 2: Reckless Abandonment

Brian Wood's X-Men saga continues! When Storm's field agents are kidnapped and a weapon of the X-Men's making goes missing, the X-Men must make a choice...the destruction of a life, or the survival of a weapon. Then, Storm's leadership is called into question in the aftermath of the "Mutant Scare." Will there be a new team member? And what side are they really on? The Storm-Cyc...

New Avengers: The Reunion
New Avengers: The Reunion

In the wake of Secret Invasion, Mockingbird is alive and has returned to Earth after being held captive by the Skrulls. Ronin, her estranged husband, volunteers to help her adjust to her new life as a member of the New Avengers, but some old wounds run too deep. And what deadly secret did she bring back with her that could tear them, and the world, apart once more? It's high-octane action and intr...