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Книги Лизы Генри

Лиза Генри - автор 8 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Adulting 101, Dark Space, Идеальная ночь. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Adulting 101
Adulting 101

The struggle is real. Nick Stahlnecker is eighteen and not ready to grow up yet. He has a summer job, a case of existential panic, and a hopeless crush on the unattainable Jai Hazenbrook. Except how do you know that your coworker?s unattainable unless you ask to blow him in the porta-potty? That?s probably not what Dad meant when he said Nick should act more like an adult. Twenty-five-yea...

Dark Space
Dark Space

Brady Garrett needs to go home. He's a conscripted recruit on Defender Three, one of a network of stations designed to protect the Earth from alien attack. He's also angry, homesick, and afraid. If he doesn't get home he'll lose his family, but there's no way back except in a body bag. Cameron Rushton needs a heartbeat. Four years ago Cam was taken by the Faceless--the ...

Идеальная ночь
Идеальная ночь

Таунсвилл, Австралия, 1943 год. Таннер - капитан американской армии, состоящий на службе на радиостанции острова где-то у черта на куличиках. Ник - береговой наблюдатель, мужчина, чей голос Таннер слышал только по радиоволнам. Они встречаются посреди войны, когда нет уверенности ни в чем, кроме одного: Таннер и Ник заслужили одну идеальную ночь.

Darker Space
Darker Space

Brady Garrett is back on Earth. He’s living with his partner Cam and they’re raising his sister Lucy together. Life is better than some feral reffo from Kopa has any right to hope, and Brady knows it. He’s even grateful for it, most of the time. He loves Cam, even though he’s afraid that he’s not good enough for him, and he’s still having nightmares about the alien Faceless. Cameron Rushton lo...


They're always happy. Rory James has worked hard all his life to become a citizen of the idyllic city-state of Beulah. Like every other kid born in the neighboring country of Tophet, he?s heard the stories: No crime or pollution. A house and food for everyone. It?s perfect, and Rory is finally getting a piece of it. So is Tate Patterson. He?s from Tophet, too, but he?s not a legal immig...

When All the World Sleeps
When All the World Sleeps

Daniel Whitlock is terrified of going to sleep. And rightly so: he sleepwalks, with no awareness or memory of his actions. Including burning down Kenny Cooper’s house—with Kenny inside it—after Kenny brutally beat him for being gay. Back in the tiny town of Logan after serving his prison sentence, Daniel isolates himself in a cabin in the woods and chains himself to his bed at night. Like the r...

The Island
The Island

Shaw is in Fiji to sell a stolen painting to the crime boss, Vornis. It will be the deal of a lifetime, if Shaw can pull it off. But then Vornis has to parade his latest toy around in front of him--a captured DEA agent whose time is running out. It's none of Shaw's business, and it doesn't matter that under any other circumstances Lee would be exactly Shaw's type: he's young, he's hot, and he migh...

Взросление 101
Взросление 101

Нику Сталнекеру восемнадцать, и становиться взрослым он пока не готов. У него есть работа на лето, бывают приступы экзистенциальной паники, и он безнадежно влюблен в недосягаемого Джея Хэзенбрука. Как узнать, что объект твоей страсти недосягаем? Правильно, предложить ему минет в туалете. Папа, скорее всего, имел в виду нечто другое, когда просил его повзрослеть. Двадцатипятилетний Джей вернулся в ...