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Книги Тима Паркса

Тим Паркс - автор 12 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Дорогая Массимина, Призрак Мими, Where I'm Reading From: The Changing World of Books. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Современная проза
Дорогая Массимина
Дорогая Массимина

Знакомьтесь – Моррис Дакворт. Гонимый и неприкаянный Раскольников наших дней. Невинный убийца. Рассудительный безумец. Нищий репетитор однажды осознает, что есть только один путь завоевать благосклонность Фортуны – отказаться от традиционной морали и изобрести свою собственную. Моррис похищает влюбленную в него юную итальянку Массимину, и отныне пути назад нет. «Дорогая Массимина» – утонченный и н...

Современная проза
Призрак Мими
Призрак Мими

Нищий английский учитель, убив одну сестру, женится на другой и симпатизирует третьей. Под нежный шепот убитой им Массимины Моррис строит новую, гармоничную жизнь, полную нравственности и красоты. Но убогие людишки становятся на пути к гармонии, и Моррису не остается ничего другого, как устранить помеху. Моррис – отнюдь не сверхчеловек, которому позволено все. Он – бедняга, угодивший в круговерть ...

Where I'm Reading From: The Changing World of Books
Where I'm Reading From: The Changing World of Books

Why do we need fiction? Why do books need to be printed on paper, copyrighted, read to the finish? Do we read to challenge our vision of the world or to confirm it? Has novel writing turned into a job like any other? In Where I’m Reading From, the novelist and critic Tim Parks ranges over decades of critical reading—from Leopardi, Dickens, and Chekhov, to Virginia Woolf, D. H. Lawrence, and Thom...


A finalist for the Booker Prize, this ferociously comic tale of love gone sour is the finest novel to date from the author of the national bestsellers, "An Italian Education" and "Italian Neighbors".

Italian Ways: On and Off the Rails from Milan to Palermo
Italian Ways: On and Off the Rails from Milan to Palermo

Tim Parks’s books on Italy have been hailed as "so vivid, so packed with delectable details, [they] serve as a more than decent substitute for the real thing" (Los Angeles Times Book Review). Now, in his first Italian travelogue in a decade, he delivers a charming and funny portrait of Italian ways by riding its trains from Verona to Milan, Rome to Palermo, and right down to the heel of Italy. Pa...


In the dramatic landscape of the Italian alps a group of English canoeists arrives for an "introduction to white water". Camping, eating and paddling together, six adults and nine adolescents seem set to enjoy what their leader insists on calling a "community experience". The dangerous river manages to bring out the group's qualities and failings in the most urgent fashion, provoking sudden c...

Teach Us to Sit Still
Teach Us to Sit Still

“Just when the medical profession had given up on me and I on it, just when I seemed to be walled up in a life sentence of chronic pain, someone proposed a bizarre way out: sit still, they said, and breathe. I sat still. I breathed. It seemed a tedious exercise at first, rather painful, not immediately effective. Eventually it proved so exciting, so transforming, physically and mentally, that I be...

Stop What You're Doing And Read This!
Stop What You're Doing And Read This!

In any 24 hours there might be sleeping, eating, kids, parents, friends, lovers, work, school, travel, deadlines, emails, phone calls, Facebook, Twitter, the news, the TV, Playstation, music, movies, sport, responsibilities, passions, desires, dreams. Why should you stop what you're doing and read a book? People have always needed stories. We need literature - novels, poe...

An Italian Education
An Italian Education

Tim Parks' first bestseller, "Italian Neighbors," chronicled his initiation into Italian society and cultural life. Reviewers everywhere hailed it as a bravissimo performance. Now he turns to his children -- born and bred in Italy -- and their milieu in a small village near Verona. With the splendid eye for detail, character, and intrigue that has brought him acclaim as a novelist, he creates...

Judge Savage
Judge Savage

Promoted young to the position of Crown Court Judge - because of his ability, but perhaps also for certain questions of political convenience - it's time for Daniel Savage to settle down. Perhaps his marriage is happy enough after all. Teenage children require a father's attention. His career demands the most responsible behaviour. Day by day Judge Savage presides over those whose double lives hav...

A Literary Tour of Italy
A Literary Tour of Italy

An acclaimed author of novels and short stories, Tim Parks--who was described in a recent review as “one of the best living writers of English”--has delighted audiences around the world with his finely observed writings on all aspects of Italian life and customs. This volume contains a selection of his best essays on the literature of his adopted country. From Boccaccio and Machiavelli through to...

Художественная литература
Dreams Of Rivers And Seas
Dreams Of Rivers And Seas

'For some time now, I have been plagued, perhaps blessed, by dreams of rivers and seas, dreams of water.' Just days after Albert James writes these lines to his son John, in London, he is dead. Abandoning a pretty girlfriend and the lab where he is completing his PhD, John flies to Delhi to join his mother in mourning. A brilliant and controversial anthropologist, the nature of Alb...