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Книги Дэвида Уокера

Дэвид Уокер - автор 12 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Силач и Железный Кулак. Том 1. Парни снова в деле, Power Man and Iron Fist Vol. 2: Civil War II, Luke Cage, Vol. 1: Sins of the Father. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Силач и Железный Кулак. Том 1. Парни снова в деле
Силач и Железный Кулак. Том 1. Парни снова в деле

Люк Кейдж и Дэнни Рэнд, герои по найму, ставшие Мстителями, вернулись на улицы – и как раз появилась тайна, которую нужно разгадать. Тайна, которая объединит преступных боссов, наемников и старых друзей! Но кто из этих трех представляет наибольшую угрозу? Большое Яблоко может оказаться отравленным магией, если Люк и Дэнни не остановят того, кто обладает мистическим Камнем Супердуши! Обстанов...

Power Man and Iron Fist Vol. 2: Civil War II
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol. 2: Civil War II

Luke and Danny have only just put the band back together — will CIVIL WAR II tear it apart? Maybe, when Iron Fist finds himself behind iron bars! But who better to get him out of a cage than Power Man? Then again, Luke's crack team of former criminals may be more of a hindrance than a help! And there's the small matter of Captain Marvel's reaction to the Inhuman Ulysses' prison-break premonition! ...

Cyborg Vol. 2: Enemy of the State
Cyborg Vol. 2: Enemy of the State

CYBORG—PROPERTY OF THE STATE! With his cybernetic tech continuing to evolve, Victor Stone may not know exactly what he is anymore, but he knows that he’s a hero. But ever since Vic helped to repel the alien invasion force called the Technosapiens, the U.S. government has been keeping a close eye on cybernetic enhancements. And that means they’re keeping a close eye on Cyborg. Now, a new piec...

Nighthawk: Hate Makes Hate
Nighthawk: Hate Makes Hate

Straight from the pages of SQUADRON SUPREME comes one of the most brutal super heroes of the Marvel Universe. Nighthawk is Chicago's dark protector, dispensing swift, decisive justice to those that truly deserve it. When the city's shadiest power brokers turn up murdered in gristly ways, the apparent work of an inventive serial killer, Nighthawk must ask himself, Does this predator deserve to be c...

Occupy Avengers Vol. 1: Taking Back Justice
Occupy Avengers Vol. 1: Taking Back Justice

Super heroes - they're a privileged class. Doing what they want, when they want, and suffering no consequences. They have no regard for the ordinary people who are left behind to suffer in their wake. Who will stand up for the little guy? There is a man. If you can find him, and if he believes in your story, he and his friends will put things right. Some call him an outlaw, rebel, Robin Hood....

Occupy Avengers Vol. 2: In Plain Sight
Occupy Avengers Vol. 2: In Plain Sight

Welcome to Dungston, Iowa, the manure capital of the state...and home of a deadly secret! When the team's van breaks down in town, Hawkeye and friends find themselves in the last place on Earth anyone would want to be, up against an enemy that no one could see coming. An unlikely menace has come to destroy Small Town, USA, and that means Clint Barton and his team are caught in the middle of a...

Luke Cage, Vol. 1: Sins of the Father
Luke Cage, Vol. 1: Sins of the Father

The man who made Luke Cage into the unbreakable hero he is today, Dr. Noah Burstein, is dead. But when Luke heads to New Orleans for the funeral, it turns out that there may be more to his father figure's death than he realized. Shady billionaires, amped-up gangs, and a shadowy figure from his past propel Luke into a world of mystery. The hunt he begins may end up destroying him...but when Ca...

Luke Cage, Vol. 2: Caged!
Luke Cage, Vol. 2: Caged!

Carl Lucas went to jail for a crime that he didn't commit, and came out a new man: the unbreakable hero named Luke Cage! But now, he finds himself on the wrong side of the law and thrown in prison once again. What dark power has caged Luke once more? And when the entire world is threatened, how can he save everyone from the inside of a prison cell? With his mind mangled, Luke grasps for any footho...

Power Man and Iron Fist Vol. 3: Street Magic
Power Man and Iron Fist Vol. 3: Street Magic

The battle for Harlem begins! As Luke Cage and Danny Rand struggle to pick up the pieces after Civil War II, the ultimate turf war erupts right under their noses! Tombstone, Mr. Fish, Piranha, Cottonmouth, Black Cat and a mysterious new player are all vying for a piece of the pie - and New York is caught in the crossfire! Power Man and Iron Fist fight to take back the streets, but Luke has other p...

Bitter Root Vol. 1: Family Business
Bitter Root Vol. 1: Family Business

Once known as the greatest monster hunters of all time, the Sangerye family specialized in curing the souls of those infected by hate. But those days are fading. A terrible tragedy has claimed most of the family, leaving the surviving cousins divided between by the desire to cure monsters or to kill them. Now, though, there’s a new breed of monster loose on the streets of Harlem, and the Sangerye ...

Силач и Железный кулак. Парни снова в деле
Силач и Железный кулак. Парни снова в деле

Люк Кейдж и Дэнни Рэнд, герои по найму, ставшие Мстителями, вернулись на улицы - и как раз появилась тайна, которую нужно разгадать. Тайна, которая объединит преступных боссов, наёмников и старых друзей! Но кто из этих трёх представляет наибольшую угрозу? Большое Яблоко может оказаться отравленным магией, если Люк и Дэнни не остановят того, кто обладает мистическим Камнем Супердуши! Обстановка нач...

Дэдпул. Величайший комикс в мире. Том 4. Немного антисанитарии
Дэдпул. Величайший комикс в мире. Том 4. Немного антисанитарии

Дэдпул собирает гостей! Встречайте кроссовер с Сорвиголовой, Силачом и Железным Кулаком! Когда Уэйд Уилсон берётся за защиту банкира, кинувшего своих клиентов-мафиози, парочка решает обратиться к помощнику окружного прокурора Мэтту Мёрдоку. Тот в свою очередь отправляет на выручку Люка Кейджа и Дэнни Рэнда. Вот вам и рецепт крутейшей истории с разборками, погонями, подставами, мордобоем, ниндзюцу ...