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Книги Карло Леви

Карло Леви - автор 5 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Христос остановился в Эболи, Cristo si e fermato a Eboli, The Watch. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Христос остановился в Эболи
Христос остановился в Эболи

"Христос остановился в Эболи" - одна из самых известных книг итальянского писателя и художника Карло Леви (1902 – 1975). Это автобиографическое произведение. Карло Леви описал в нем рудную, беспросветную жизнь крестьян области Базиликата. Там, в селении Алиано, писатель провел 18 месяцев в фашистской ссылке. В 1979 г. по книге Леви был снят одноименный фильм известным режиссером Франческо Рози.

Современная проза
Cristo si e fermato a Eboli
Cristo si e fermato a Eboli

La scoperta del probiema meridionale non solo come episodio di una condizione arcaica, intollerabile nella nostra societa, ma anche come teatro di una straordinaria civilta contadina.

The Watch
The Watch

The Watch, first published in 1950, is a portrait of Rome and Italy in the dopoguerra - the period after the war - when the heroism and sacrifice of the partisan war against the Germans ran head-on into a rockwall of conservative reaction. The year is 1948, the main character works for a newspaper in Rome, his friends and family and partisan comrades are all trying to get by and make do. The watc...

Words Are Stones: Impressions of Sicily (Hesperus Modern Voices Series)
Words Are Stones: Impressions of Sicily (Hesperus Modern Voices Series)

Winner of the prestigious Italian literary prize, Premio Vareggio, Words Are Stones offers an insightful and authentic portrait of Sicily and its people. Over a number of years, Italian writer Carlo Levi made three journeys to Sicily. He went on to chronicle his travels, penning a series of short essays that capture in miniature the essence of Sicilian life: its traditions, culture, and breathtaki...

Christ Stopped at Eboli: The Story of a Year
Christ Stopped at Eboli: The Story of a Year

It was to Lucania, a desolate land in southern Italy, that Carlo Levi—a doctor, painter, philosopher, and man of letters—was confined as a political prisoner because of his opposition to Italy’s Fascist government at the start of the Ethiopian war in 1935. While there, Levi reflected on the harsh landscape and its inhabitants, peasants who lived the same lives their ancestors had, constantly feari...