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Книги Danny Danzinger

Danny Danzinger - автор 2 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: 1215 The Year of Magna Carta, The Whatchamacallit: Those Everyday Objects You Just Can't Name (And Things You Think You Know About, but Don't). Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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1215 The Year of Magna Carta
1215 The Year of Magna Carta

Surveying a broad landscape through a narrow lens, 1215 sweeps readers back eight centuries in an absorbing portrait of life during a time of global upheaval, the ripples of which can still be felt today. At the center of this fascinating period is the document that has become the root of modern freedom: the Magna Carta. It was a time of political revolution and domestic change that saw the Crusad...

The Whatchamacallit: Those Everyday Objects You Just Can't Name (And Things You Think You Know About, but Don't)
The Whatchamacallit: Those Everyday Objects You Just Can't Name (And Things You Think You Know About, but Don't)

The world is full of whatchamacallits - things we ought to know the names for, might even think we know the names for, but when it comes down to it, don't know the names for. That's where The Whatchamacallit comes in. A fun and witty companion to daily life, The Whatchamacallit provides the proper names for more than 100 elusive thingamajigs and doohickeys, complete with the histories, m...