Фрэнк Мартин - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Venom by Donny Cates, Vol. 1: Rex, Shadowland: Power Man, Daken: Dark Wolverine: No More Heroes. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
In the wake of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s collapse, an ancient and primordial evil has been awakened beneath the streets of New York. And with it, something equally evil has been awakened in that most wicked of web-slingers: Venom! The symbiote may still be a Lethal Protector of innocents in New York, but this never-before-seen threat could possibly force Venom to relinquish everything it holds dear - in...
The Kingpin of L.A. is revealed at long last, as Daken and FBI agent Donna Kiel reach the shocking end of their quest. But ever since the Heat drug ravaged Daken's mind and body, his outlook on life has been shaken up. After all this time, can Daken be redeemed?
Hey Iron Fist, the new Power Man! From the rubble of a destroyed tenement in Hell's Kitchen, a new hero rises to protect the citizens of New York - for a price! Opposing Daredevil's reign, the brash young vigilante makes himself a target for the vengeful blade of the Hand. What connection does he share with Danny Rand, and how will Iron Fist and Luke Cage - the original Power Man - protect him fro...
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