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Книги Джозефа Най

Джозеф Най - автор 7 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics, Гибкая власть, The Powers to Lead. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics
Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics

Joseph Nye coined the term "soft power" in the late 1980s. It is now used frequently--and often incorrectly--by political leaders, editorial writers, and academics around the world. So what is soft power? Soft power lies in the ability to attract and persuade. Whereas hard power--the ability to coerce--grows out of a country's military or economic might, soft power arises from the attractiveness o...

Гибкая власть
Гибкая власть

Книга Дж.С.Ная "Гибкая власть" со времени своего появления стала бестселлером и обязательным чтением для аналитиков, креативных людей, интересующихся тенденциями в сфере глобальной политики, изменениями в сущности и структуре современной власти в

Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: an Introduction to Theory and History
Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: an Introduction to Theory and History

Updated in its 9th edition, Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation is a concise and penetrating introduction to world politics in an era of complex interdependence. This text employs lessons from theory and history to examine conflict and cooperating among global actors and thus to provide readers with a durable analytical framework. From twentieth and twenty-first century wars to global fi...

The Powers to Lead
The Powers to Lead

What qualities make a leader succeed in business or politics? In an era when the information revolution has dramatically changed the playing field, when old organizational hierarchies have given way to fluid networks of contacts, and when mistrust of leaders is on the rise, our ideas about leadership are clearly due for redefinition. With The Powers to Lead, Joseph S. Nye offers a sweeping look at...

Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History
Understanding International Conflicts: An Introduction to Theory and History

Written by renowned international relations expert Joseph S. Nye, this lively book gives readers the background in history and political concepts they need to understand the issues facing our world today: the war in Iraq, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, nuclear proliferation in North Korea and Iran, and much more. Origins of the Great Twentieth-Century Conflicts; Balance of Power and World War I...

Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power
Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power

Is America still Number 1? A leading scholar of international politics and former State Department official takes issue with Paul Kennedy and others and clearly demonstrates that the United States is still the dominant world power, with no

Мемуары и биографии
Мягкая мощь. Как я спорил с Бжезинским...
Мягкая мощь. Как я спорил с Бжезинским...

Джозеф Най - один из главных стратегов американской внешней политики, теоретик неолиберализма, стоящий в одном ряду с Соросом, Бжезинским и Рейганом. Именно он в девяностые-нулевые годы создал современную доктрину американской внешней политики, разработал концепцию "мягкой силы", подготовил вторжения в Ирак и Ливию, а также способствовал превращению инструмента санкций в полноценное оружие против ...