Кен Макклюр - автор 25 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Донор, Джокер, Мутация. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Семилетняя Аманда Росс страдает острой почечной недостаточностью. Ее помещают в «Медик Экосс», современную частную клинику в Эдинбурге, где у девочки появляется надежда на спасение — пересадка почки. Однако сотрудник агентства «Sci-Med Inspectorate» доктор Стивен Данбар, расследующий преступления в сфере медицины, обнаруживает, что за первоклассным оборудованием и улыбчивыми лицами персонала таитс...
На борту самолета, следующего рейсом из Африки в Лондон, истекая кровью, умирает пассажир: причиной считают вирус Эбола. Доктор Стивен Данбар начинает расследование и обнаруживает, что вирус ни при чем. А тем временем количество жертв неизвестного вируса стремительно растет. Политики пытаются замять эту историю, а ученые — найти причину этой эпидемии. Даже доктор Данбар в тупике, однако правда, по...
Джон Мотрэм, цитолог из университета Ньюкасла, твердо убежден, что Черная Смерть была вызвана не бубонной чумой, а неизвестным вирусом. Он приходит в восторг, когда из университета в Оксфорде ему сообщают, что в подвалах аббатства Драйбург сохранились тела жертв времен Черной Смерти. Мотрэм считает это шансом доказать свою правоту. На раскопках, проникнув в тайную усыпальницу, Мотрэм теряет рассуд...
Правительствам мировых держав становится известно о том, что биологические террористы готовят теракт, предотвратить который невозможно. Единственный выход — вакцинация. Но производство подходящей вакцины требует серьезных исследований, а разработанный в спешке препарат может привести к еще большей катастрофе… Детектив «Белая смерть» продолжает цикл медицинских триллеров всемирно известного шотланд...
The most frightening thing is that research scientist McClure makes it utterly believable’ - The Scotsman Dr Frank Simmons works in the University of Edinburgh’s medical school. One of his PhD students, brilliant loner Gavin, announces his intention to find a cure for cancer and actually makes a major breakthrough. Oddly, no one seems to be interested and a picture emerges of a cancer research ind...
In a village outside Edinburgh, there is doubt that a genetically modified crop being grown is actually the one licensed by the government. Steven Dunbar, a medical investigator with Sci-Med is sent to investigate, but finds that the farmer who made the complaints, Thomas Rafferty, is a well known drunk. Rafferty has also applied for accreditation as an organic farmer, with the backing of two vent...
When the Crick Research Institute is broken into the police believe that it was Animal Rights activists taking things a step too far. But one of the Institute s top scientists, Tim Devon, is found brutally murdered and six research monkeys have been let loose. No one seems to know exactly what the monkeys were being used for and government officials arrive a little too promptly to prevent any of P...
The mysterious letter invited him to an interview for a job he'd never applied for. But at 37, his family life and medical career in ruins, Dr Mark Avedissian wasn't feeling like asking too many questions. Nor, it turned out, were British Intelligence, Avedissian's new employers, prepared to give many answers about his new role in their battle against terrorism. With minimal info...
When three farmworkers die suddenly of an obscure brain disease, the Medical Research Council investigates. Dr Ian Bannerman, consultant pathologist and expert on brain disease, is sent to make discreet enquiries. But in north-east Scotland he finds plenty of cause for alarm.
When John McKirrop, a down-and-out tramp, takes shelter in a deserted graveyard one night, he witnesses the disinterment of the body of a young boy. Yet no one takes much notice of his stories. After all, who would believe the ramblings of a homeless drunk? Father Ryan Lafferty, the local parish priest, is trying to help the boy's distrught father find his son's body. Alarmed by implications of...
In an Edinburgh hospital a young doctor dies in agony, trapped in a steam-filled steriliser. Three subsequent victims inexplicably bleed to death: lab technician Susan Daniels, little Timmy Watson who was recovering from his 'life-saving' operation, and an orderly who cut herself on a broken vase. All three are found to have had a powerful anticoagulant introduced into their blood. What madman is ...
Dr Michael Neef, consultant in paediatric oncology at a large city hospital, is cautiously optimistic when he is given the go-ahead to carry out gene therapy trials on some of his terminally ill patients. The biotechnology company involved believes that it has come up with a treatment for malignant tumours, and the hospital administrators, reeling after a recent bout of bad publicity, see this as ...
When successful neurosurgeon John MacAndrews performs a routine operation to remove a tumor, the patient undergoes a severe personality change post-surgery. Hartman s Tumor is diagnosed, a rare condition which leaves its victims deranged and destined to be confined to mental institutions. There is no option but to have the patient committed.With his career nearing ruin, MacAndrew retreats to his n...
A break-in at the hospital morgue, the unexplained disappearance of certain bodies, intrigue among the senior staff and a chance encounter with a grieving widower prompt Dr James Saracen to question irregularities surrounding the death of a woman at Skelmore General Hospital. Narrowly avoiding personal disaster, he unearths a conspiracy to conceal the fact that she died of a disease believed to ha...
Journalist James Kincaid has a pretty jaundiced view of the medical profession. So when he finds out the truth about what's happening at Newcastle's College Hospital, he's not surprised. He's stunned. Disbelieving. Appalled . . . The hospital is the showpiece of the National Health Service. The brilliant, computerized Northern Health Scheme has dramatically lowered costs and improved services i...
A half dead man crashes his car at the Iraqi border. He is picked up by a British patrol and found to have suffered a rare reaction to the smallpox vaccine. But why are the Iraqis inoculating their population against a disease which has been wiped out for twenty years? A young Iraqi student in Edinburgh kills himself for no apparent reason. Nobody links these incidents until Adam Dewar, investigat...
Medical thriller writer Ken McClure evokes a sinister world where no life is sacred -- least of all a baby's. Used to the sleepy tranquillity of village life in rural Wales, the residents of Felinbach are shocked by the brutal killing of a local baby, Anne-Marie Palmer. None more so than GP Tom Gordon, the only friend left to John Palmer who, faced with irrevocable evidence, stands accused of...
When a vaccine designed by British scientists becomes contaminated in a freak accident, military leaders decide that it must remain a secret. Twelve years later veterans are dying from a "Gulf War Syndrome". Dr George Sebring, the British scientist responsible for the vaccine, has been found murdered. Yet doubts about the existence of the syndrome still exist even though thousands of veteran troop...
Klein's death was as brutally horrifying as it was unexpected. Bacteriologist, Dr Neil Anderson is asked by the hospital authorities to try and discover what disease could possibly have transformed a healthy medical student into a grotesque corpse within hours. His invesitigation uncovers an unlikely link between Klein's routine participation in testing a new drug and the research labor...
Steven Dunbar gets the news that an old friend, Dr Simone Ricard of Medicins Sans Frontieres, has died in an accident while attending a scientific meeting in Prague. She and her team have been working to eradicate polio in the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan and have discovered a possible reason for their failure to do so - fake teams put in by the CIA. She has gone to Prague to pub...
Women are dying in Kerr Memorial Hospital. They are dying at an alarming rate from post-operative wound infections which are resistant to antibiotics and the authorities cannot find the source of the problem. As the situation threatens to get out of control, the hospital staff are under mounting pressure and nerves are stretched to breaking point. The Home Office send an outsider, surgeon Scott...
Dr Steven Dunbar is whiling away the hours working for a pharmaceutical company when he's asked to investigate an unusual terrorist attack by Islamic fundamentalists - the pollution of the water supply of some housing with cholera. Vaccination goes ahead; a second attack is foiled; and eight disaffected Asian youths are arrested. All seems to be resolved, but Steven has a nagging feeling about the...