Брайан Рид - автор 20 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1: Best of the Best, Мисс Марвел. Гражданская война, Secret Invasion: The Amazing Spider-Man. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Collects Ms. Marvel (2006) #1-5. Straight out of the pages of NEW AVENGERS and HOUSE OF M! Prepare for an action-packed adventure that includes special guest-stars Captain America and Jessica Jones. All this and an alien invasion!
Гражданская война расколола общество супергероев, и Кэрол Дэнверс вынуждена содействовать осуществлению нового Акта о регистрации сверхлюдей, дабы избежать заключения. Кэрол сражается с бывшими союзниками Саваном и Арахной, защищая закон, с которым, возможно, даже не согласна, но сможет ли она разлучить семью, делая то, что считает правильным? А также: Мисс Марвел и шельма должны забыть о разногла...
SECRET INVASION continues here! Is Ms. Marvel on the front lines of the Secret Invasion...or is she part of the invasion?! Out-gunned and on the run, with S.H.I.E.L.D. convinced she's a Skrull impostor, Ms. Marvel must fight for her identity and her life against her very own Lightning Strike Force! But when the Strike Force has a Ms. Marvel of their own, even Carol can't be sure she's Carol anymor...
In the days following the Secret Invasion, there is a death in the family. Brian Reed (Secret Invasion: Spider-Man) and Marcos Marz (Batman) begin the tale of Ms. Marvel's new life post-Secret Invasion. Then, it's Marvel Pirate Mania as the Storyteller returns! Gavin is a young man with the ability to reshape the world in his image, but when he crosses paths with Ms. Marvel once more, dark secrets...
Not only does new Ms. Marvel Karla Sofen have to deal with Deadpool, now she's got the New Avengers coming at her in full force. It's the exciting prelude to "War of the Marvels!" Then, in "War of the Marvels," Karla Sofen battles for her life in the streets of Los Angeles as an exciting new chapter in the history of Ms. Marvel begins! Guest starring the New Avengers.
The War of the Marvels is over, but before Carol Danvers can deal with its aftermath, she must brace herself as she faces down the biggest mistake she made before her apparent death...promising Spider-Man she'd goout with him! Then, Ms. Marvel vs. Mystique! She raised Rogue,the woman who stole Carol's powers and memories, and now the sinister shape-shifter iscoming for Ms. Marvel herself...
New York is full of Skrulls and Spider-Man... where the heck is Spider-Man, anyway? Now, thanks to Brian Reed (Ms. Marvel) and exciting newcomer Marco Santucci, Jackpot and the rest of the cast of "Brand New Day" must pick up Spidey's slack and go toe-to-toe with Super-Skrulls - including one that might just be Spidey himself!
A mass suicide by a branch of the Church of Hala has claimed the lives of twenty families. With Captain Marvel gone, Carol Danvers investigates this tragedy performed in his name, putting her directly in the path of would be Captain Marvel replacement: Noh Varr.
From the pages of CIVIL WAR comes the tale of a man out of time! An accident in the Negative Zone propels Captain Marvel from the past to the present day. Now, he must come to terms not only with his own impending death, but with the way the world has changed in the time he has been gone. Brian Reed (NEW AVENGERS: ILLUMINATI, MS. MARVEL) and Lee Weeks (DAREDEVIL, SPIDER-MAN: DEATH AND DESTINY) bri...
Marvel once again poses the question, "What If...?" What if the Scarlet Witch had said "No More Powers" instead of "No More Mutants?" What if Mary Jane was shot instead of Aunt May? What if Dr. Doom kept the Beyonder's power? What if the Runaways became the Young Avengers? Plus, two stories featuring Captain America and Hulk. Collects What If? Captain America: Fallen Son, Spider-Man: Back In Black...
He ain't friendly and this ain't your neighborhood! Yes, Mac Gargan, America's favorite sociopath-turned-symbiote-host-turned-hero-hunter now takes the spotlight as Norman Osborn's sinister Spider-Man. With the Dark Reign-a-raining, the lives of our mighty marvel heroes are being destroyed left and right - but for guys like Mac, the world is their oyster and the chef's cov...
Ms. Marvel drafts two recruits from the Initiative... Machine Man and Sleepwalker?! When Arana is kidnapped, it's time for Carol Danvers to use her newly expanded strike force to squash an evil that's hit too close to home! The ongoing team of writer Brian Reed and artist Aaron Lopresti knock it out of the park with a story that will have fans of female heroes buzzing!
The Illuminati, a secret organization comprised of several of the world's most powerful heroes, have worked together to mold and shape the status of the superhuman world and the world around it, but how and what they have done together has remained a mystery--until now! Original.
A new beginning for Ms. Marvel! Carol Danvers made herself a promise to be "the best of the best" - but after the events of Civil War, has Ms. Marvel lost her way? As the stress mounts and Carol finds herself less and less sure about what she's doing or why, a crossroads is reached and a decision is made - a decision that will change the course of Ms. Marvel's life - and possibly the Marvel Univer...
As Skrull warships fill the skies, and heroes battle for their very survival in the Savage Land, the citizens of New York struggle to survive the worst day of their lives. Brian Reed (Captain Marvel) and Marco Castiello bring you a stunning, ground-level look at Secret Invasion! Collects Secret Invasion: Front Line #1-5.
The Chameleon returns with a terrifying new mission - and Mayor J. Jonah Jameson squarely in his sights! And as JJJ's Anti-Spider Squad closes in, Peter Parker gets a brand-new job! Will it bring him closer to the newly returned Mary Jane or push her further away? Then, look out, Spidey - the Black Cat's back, too, more dangerous than ever! And Raptor seeks revenge against the man he claims killed...
The SIEGE of Asgard has begun And Norman Osborn and his Dark Avengers are leading the charge Osborn's savvy use of the media fueled his rise to power - but the very tools he's been using may turn against him. It's time to expose Norman's true face to the world and uncover the secrets behind the attack on the gods Witness the changing of the Marvel Universe firsthand Collects Si...
Такого соседа дружелюбным не назовёшь! О да, Мак Гарган, наш любимый социопат-ставший-носителем-симбиота-превратившийся-в-охотника-на-супергероев, вступил в команду Мстителей Нормана Озборна и занял в ней место Человека-паука! Тёмное правление в разгаре, у героев Marvel в жизни чёрная полоса, а вот у ребят типа Скорпиона праздник: им подали весь мир на блюдечке с голубой каёмочкой. Мак — любимый ...
До того как стать Спартанцем, суперсолдатом на страже человечества, Сара Палмер была бойцом ударных войск орбитального десантирования и выполняла опаснейшие миссии в тылу врага. С ней мы пройдем драматичный путь от простого солдата Земли до высших эшелонов элитных войск Галактики.
Брайан Майкл Бендис продолжает свою сагу о Мстителях! Гражданская война окончилась. Америка изменилась. Могучие Мстители Железного Человека теперь находятся в авангарде инициативы «Пятьдесят штатов», а Новые Мстители на нелегальном положении! Ведётся охота на Люка Кейджа, Человека-паука, Росомаху, Женщину-паука, Доктора Стрэнджа, Железного Кулака и некоего нового Ронина! Но внезапно подпольная ком...