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Книги Гарет Робертс

Гарет Робертс - автор 15 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Доктор Кто. Шада, Я - Далек, Doctor Who: Only Human. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Время действия
Доктор Кто. Шада
Доктор Кто. Шада

Говорят, кто владеет информацией – владеет миром. Представьте, насколько должен быть опасен тот, кто владеет всей информацией в мире. Профессор Хронотис, Повелитель Времени и старый друг Доктора, давно живет в Кембридже. Никто не замечает его среди других таких же древних чудаковатых преподавателей. Никто не видит, что ему уже несколько веков. Покидая родную планету, он прихватил с собой н...

Я - Далек
Я - Далек

Экипировавшись космическими скафандрами, клюшками для гольфа и флагом, Доктор и Роза намереваются высадиться на Луне в стиле миссии «Аполлон». Но у ТАРДИС свои планы и она приземляется в деревне на южном побережье Англии, словно сошедшей с красочной открытки, где никогда ничего не происходит… до сего момента.Археологи находят в раскопках римскую мозаику, датированную 70 годом до нашей эры. На ней ...

Современная проза
Doctor Who: Only Human
Doctor Who: Only Human

Reports of a time disturbance lead the Ninth Doctor to modern-day London, where he discovers a Neanderthal Man, twenty-eight thousand years after his race became extinct. A trip back to the dawn of humanity only deepens the mystery: who are these strange humans from the far future now living in the distant past? The Doctor must learn the truth about the Osterberg experiment before history is chang...

Современная проза
Doctor Who: I Am a Dalek
Doctor Who: I Am a Dalek

Equipped with space suits, golf clubs and a flag, the Doctor and Rose are planning to live it up, Apollo mission-style, on the Moon. But the TARDIS has other plans, landing them instead in a village on the south coast of England; a picture-postcard sort of place where nothing much happens. Until now... An archaeological dig has turned up a Roman mosaic, circa 70 A.D., depicting mythical scenes, gr...

Подбор персонала
Рекрутмент и отбор. Подход, основанный на компетенциях
Рекрутмент и отбор. Подход, основанный на компетенциях

В этом четком и полном обзоре всего процесса отбора и найма показано, как он сочетается с более широкой практикой HR, как и где можно наилучшим образом использовать компетенции. Чтение этой книги даст возможность менеджерам наилучшим образом пройти все стадии поиска и отбора персонала вплоть до первоначального введения кандидата в должность.

The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith
The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith

Sarah Jane is acting very suspiciously. When Luke, Clyde and Rani investigate, with the help of Mr Smith and K-9, they discover something unexpected - Sarah Jane has a boyfriend and she's going to marry him! Of course, in Sarah Jane's life, things are not always as they seem and some very special wedding guests ensure this is one day she will never forget!

The Well-Mannered War
The Well-Mannered War

The edges of space, the far distant future, an era even the Time Lords are not supposed to visit. Laid claim to by disputing factions of humans and Chelonians, the planet Barclow has become the catalyst for an unusual war. In two hundred years of hostilities not a shot has been fired, and the opposing combatants are the best of friends. But when the Doctor, Romana and K9 arrive, they discove...

The One Doctor
The One Doctor

The Sixth Doctor and Mel come up against an impostor Doctor and his companion Sally-Anne. During the serial, the Doctor and his companions undertake a quest to find the three greatest treasures of the Generios system. The story was essentially Big Finish's Christmas panto, and features an extra Christmas scene as a hidden track at the end of the story. The episodes are heavily laden wit...

The Romance of Crime
The Romance of Crime

'How do you kill someone?' asked the Doctor. 'Eviscerate them, crush them, reverse their particles. But do the dead always stay dead?' The TARDIS brings the fourth Doctor, Romana and K-9 to the Rock of Judgement: a court, prison and place of execution built into a rocket-powered asteroid. There they become embroiled in an investigation by the system's finest lawman. Wh...


'Good morning. We're doomed. Would you like a cup of tea?' On the far side of a break in the fabric of space is the planet Zamper, home of a secretive organization that constructs and sells the mightiest warships in the galaxy. It is to Zamper that the last warriors of the fallen Chelonian Empire have come in a final attempt to restore their race's glory. Separated from the...

The English Way of Death
The English Way of Death

'He plans to destroy the world, next Tuesday.' 'How vulgar,' replied the Doctor. 'Nobody does anything of importance on a Tuesday.' It's the sweltering summer of 1930, and Londoners are enjoying the heatwave. The Doctor, Romana and K-9 plan to take a rest after their recent adventures, but the TARDIS warns them of time pollution in the locality. What conne...

The Highest Science
The Highest Science

Sakkrat. Many legends speak of this world, home of an ancient empire destroyed by its own greatest achievement: the Highest Science, the pinnacle of technological discovery. When the TARDIS alerts the Doctor and Bernice to the presence of an enormous temporal fluctuation on a large, green, unremarkable planet, they are not to know of any connection with the legend. But the connection is t...

Tragedy Day
Tragedy Day

Empire City on the planet Olleril is experiencing 'Tragedy Day', where the well-off give charitably to the poor. However, this specific day has much more to offer, with murders, weaponry and plots that could destroy everything. The trio, naturally, all want to leave but had been captured by various factions within minutes of arrival.


Десять рассказов. Семь Докторов. Одна цепь событий. «Последствия того, что Доктор разгуливает по нашей Вселенной, могут быть колоссальными… Доктор путешествует во времени. Никогда не забывайте об этом, это ключ к пониманию того, почему он так опасен. Большинство из нас в меру наших возможностей вовлечены в написание истории. Но Доктор её переписывает». Но даже Доктор может не видеть те нити, котор...