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Книги Берил Бейнбридж

Берил Бейнбридж - автор 17 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Грандиозное приключение, Мастер Джорджи, The Dressmaker. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Современная проза
Грандиозное приключение
Грандиозное приключение

Основная канва этого романа обманчиво проста — юная Стелла, воспитанная родственниками, не без влияния эксцентричного дядюшки-театрала поступает на работу в театр и влюбляется в режиссера. Однако эта незатейливая история — лишь возможность для автора показать во вех красках противоречивый мир театрального закулисья. Мир, в котором, будто на острове Питера Пэна (сказка о котором, собственно, и пода...

Современная проза
Мастер Джорджи
Мастер Джорджи

Действие романа «Мастер Джорджи происходит в Ан­глии середины прошлого столетия и завершается на по­лях Крымской войны 1853—1856 гг., куда ход событий за­носит четырех англичан. Война, изображенная во всей своей бесчеловечности, служит фоном для главного: в своем знаменитом прихотливо-выверенном стиле Бейнбридж рассказывает о странностях любви, жестокости судьбы, верности и благородстве.

Современная проза
The Dressmaker
The Dressmaker

If Liverpool in 1944 was grim for Rita and her aunts Nellie and Margo, Rita knew that life in America was gay and rich - she'd seen it in the movies. So when a GI came to call, she was sure that love and escape would follow. But Nellie knew different - the boy would have to go.

Современная проза
Birthday boys
Birthday boys

Beryl Bainbridge gets better and better ...she has succeeded with a daring leap of emphatic imagination in penetrating the minds of Captain Scott and the four men he led to their deaths in Antarctica in 1912 Patrick Skene Catling, Evening Standard THE BIRTHDAY BOYS is classic Bainbridge - one of her absolute best. It is a fictional account of Captain Robert Scotts 1910 expedition to Antarctica tol...

The Bottle Factory Outing
The Bottle Factory Outing

The basics-only, going nowhere lives of Freda and scruffy Brenda, the only two English women in a London bottle factory full of Italian immigrants, are shattered during a Sunday picnic.

Сладкий Боб. Апология Уотсона. Романы.
Сладкий Боб. Апология Уотсона. Романы.

В книгу вошли два романа пока неизвестной нашему читателю писательницы."Сладкий Боб" посвящен молодым людям современной Англии."Апология Уотсона"-роман не только любовный,но и криминальный.В основу его положены реальные события и подлинные документы.

Художественная литература
Согласно Куини
Согласно Куини

Роман "Согласно Куини", созданный в 2001 г., посвящен одному из самых авторитетных английских просветителей, законодателю литературной моды XVIII в., талантливому лексикографу, критику, поэту и драматургу Сэмюэлю Джонсону. По словам А. Ливерганта, автора вступительной статьи к роману, "союз двух писателей, из которых один - автор, а другой - герой его книги, не нов и издавна - и в русской, и в зар...

Harriet Said...
Harriet Said...

Two schoolgirls spend their holidays in a rundown Northern resort. The younger one develops a morbid interest in an unhappily married, middle-aged man. She and her friend Harriet begin a plot to humiliate him. But their fantasy merges into reality, with shocking and unexpected results.

Иностранные языки
Winter Garden
Winter Garden

Quiet and reliable, Douglas Ashburner has never been much of a womaniser. So when he begins an extra-marital affair with Nina, a bossy, temperamental artist with a penchant for risky sex, he finds adultery a terrible strain. He tells his wife that he needs a rest, so she happily packs him off for a fishing holiday in the Highlands. Only, unknown to her, Douglas is actually flying off to Moscow ...

Young Adolf
Young Adolf

Paranoid, wilful, lazy, the young Adolf Hitler turns up in Liverpool to stay with his brother Alois and sister-in-law Bridget. Hailed by Alois as a student and an artist, Adolf soon irritates his family beyond measure by his constant sponging and his tendency to get into serious trouble with the English. Surely this is a young man who will never amount to anything.

Мемуары и биографии
A Quiet Life
A Quiet Life

In the shabby, cluttered confines of their small house in an English seaside village just after World War II, a family of genteel poverty struggles daily, unremittingly, with itself. To escape the endless quarrel, the romantically disappointed mother spends half the night reading novels in the railway station, while the melancholy father weeps in front of the radio. The fifteen-year-old daughter s...

A Weekend with Claud
A Weekend with Claud

An old snapshot shows a group of friends lounging in the sunshine, on a weekend in the country at the invitation of bearded, satyric Claude and his wife Julia. The girl in the centre is dreamy Lily, whose latest failed love affair forms the purpose of the weekend, as Lily's friends set out to help her ensnare an unwitting father for her unborn child. Next to her is Norman, a Marxist romantic ...

Injury Time
Injury Time

Edward is throwing a dinner party with Binny , his mistress. Aware that she has long been denied those small intimacies that his wife takes for granted - choosing a birthday present for his sister, for example, or sorting his socks - he wants to give her a chance to feel more involved in his life, to socialise with some of his friends (the discreet ones). Things are a little awkward to begin with ...

The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress
The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress

In the tumultuous spring of 1968 a young English woman, Rose, travels from London to the United States to meet a man she knows as Washington Harold. In her suitcase are a polka dot dress and a one-way ticket. In an America recently convulsed by the April assassination of Martin Luther King and subsequent urban riots, they begin a search for the charismatic and elusive Dr. Wheeler- sage, prophet an...

Современная зарубежная проза
Свет надежды
Свет надежды

Джоанна Кэннон. «Три факта об Элси» Флоренс Клэйборн лежит на полу без движения, в ожидании помощи – и в ее памяти прокручиваются разные события и факты... Факт №1: Когда-то сестра ее лучшей подруги Элси погибла от руки своего жениха Ронни Батлера. Факт №2: Сразу же вслед за этим погиб и он сам. Факт №3: И вот совсем недавно Флоренс узнала вдруг в пианисте Габриэле Прайсе живого и невредимого Ро...