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Книги Braun Jackie

Braun Jackie - автор 15 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Pirmoji meilė, Viskas įskaičiuota, Suvilioti varžovą. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Современная проза
The Game Show Bride
The Game Show Bride

Thanks to a reality TV game show, Kelli Walters has to swap lives–and jobs–with one of the «suits» at work, vice president Samuel Maxwell! Yes, that means she gets to sit in his huge office, telling people what to do, while he has to scrape by as a single mom with a dead-end job!But when sexy Sam ups the stakes with his heart-stopping smiles and smoldering glances, Kelli realizes that winning it a...

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A Woman Worth Loving
A Woman Worth Loving

Audra Conlan has always been flirtatious, flamboyant and wild, until fate gives her a second chance she vows not to waste. This time she'll repent her mistakes, face her estranged family–and evade men like photographer Seth Ridley, whose sexy smile and welcoming ways tempt her to fall for him, hard and fast.But when her past threatens her new life, will Audra dare to forgive the woman she once was...

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One Fiancee To Go, Please
One Fiancee To Go, Please

AppetizerJack Maris was in a pickle. He needed a make-believe fiancée to introduce to his new boss. Luckily, he knew a lovely waitress who owed him a favor….EntreeTess Donovan relished a distraction from her demanding life, the chance to wear a little black dress and be romanced. But most of all, she longed to spend time with Jack and savor the forbidden feelings his touch evoked.DessertFaster tha...

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The Billionaire's Bride
The Billionaire's Bride

Marnie LaRue has come to the balmy beaches of Mexico for some rest and relaxation, but it's the man in the neighboring hacienda–handsome, intelligent, mysterious JT–who makes her laugh and want and feel more than she has in a long time….Little does JT know that Marnie's actually a widow and mother of a little boy. Nor does she have any clue that he's a high-powered billionaire businessman. This am...

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Pirmoji meilė
Pirmoji meilė

Kloja Makdaniels visada pasikliovė vieninteliu dalyku – draugyste su Saimonu Fordu. Tiesa, sunku apie šį nuostabų vyrą, verčiantį jos širdį virpėti, galvoti tik kaip apie draugą! Tačiau dabar, kai artėja klasės susitikimas ir sukyla skaudūs prisiminimai, jai Saimono reikia labiau nei bet kada.Kloja planuoja visiems parodyti, kokia tobula asmenybė ji tapo, bet Saimonas sukurpia savą planą.

Современная проза
Moonlight and Roses
Moonlight and Roses

Buying the Monroe family winery gave Zack Holland the fresh start he needed. But the business came with one determined woman, and he could see she wasn't going to hand over the reins easily. Jaye Monroe knew they had to work together to make the winery a success. But she couldn't bear to give up everything her family had worked for–to an outsider.Yet the attraction sizzled and, what's more, the mo...

Современная проза
Viskas įskaičiuota
Viskas įskaičiuota

Tai beveik viskas, ką Darsė Heis spėjo išmokti prieš kojoms paliečiant Atėnų žemę. Ji ryžtingai nusiteikusi pamiršti praeities nesėkmes ir mėgautis saule, jūra, kraštovaizdžiu ir… aaa… flirtu! Bet kai gražuolis Nikas Kostas išgelbsti ją nuo vietinio sukčiaus, Darsė užsisvajoja: galbūt Graikijoje gali nutikti šis tas daugiau, nei ji numačiusi.Nikas yra visai patenkintas savo viengungio statusu, tač...

Современная проза
Found: Her Long-Lost Husband
Found: Her Long-Lost Husband

Married for a day…Claire Mayfield met Ethan Seaver when she was young and naive. Their whirlwind romance ended in a Las Vegas wedding. It was supposed to be the first day of the rest of their lives together… In love for a lifetime… But secrets and lies tore them apart all too soon, and years later their marriage is a distant memory. Or at least it should be.But Claire has never forgotten Ethan's p...

Современная проза
Suvilioti varžovą
Suvilioti varžovą

Žinai, kas sakoma apie žaidimą su ugnimi?Prieš trejus metus virtuvės šefas Finas Vestbrukas pasiekė dugną. Pats laikas įžiebti degtuką ir sugrįžti į geriausiųjų gretas. Dabar jis yra tam pasiruošęs labiau nei kada nors anksčiau. Ir pirmiausia laimės televizijos šou. Tačiau įsižiebusi aistra varžovei Larai Danham grasina paversti didingus planus smilkstančiais pelenais.Lara įdėjo daug pastangų, kad...

Современная проза
The Heir's Unexpected Return
The Heir's Unexpected Return

He’s back…but for good? Playboy Kellen Faust had it all, until a skiing accident turned his life upside down. Returning to his family’s luxurious island resort to heal, he meets resort manager Brigit Wright—she’s pretty, she’s blunt, and she has no problem putting her daredevil boss in his place! The resort isn’t just Brigit’s home; it’s her salvation. The connection she feels with new boss Kellen...

Современная проза
Saying Yes to the Boss
Saying Yes to the Boss

Regina Bellini doesn't believe in love at first sight. After all, she knows firsthand that thinking with your heart can only lead to trouble.But then Regina is forced to work for the one man who makes her heart stand still–Dane Conlan. And the storm of emotion brewing within her is undeniable. Perhaps even enough to tempt her into saying yes to her boss, in spite of what–and who–stands between the...

Любовный роман
Kuupaiste ja roosid
Kuupaiste ja roosid

Monroe perele kuulunud veinitööstuse ostmine andis Zack Hollandile võimaluse uueks alguseks. Aga ettevõte tuli koos ühe otsusekindla naisega ja Zack nägi, et too ei kavatse ohje nii kergesti käest anda. Jaye Monroe teadis, et veinitööstuse edu nimel tuleb neil teha koostööd. Kuid ta ei suutnud loovutada kõike, mille nimel nad olid isaga töötanud – autsaiderile. Ometi oli külgetõmme lausa särisev, ...

Современная проза
Boardroom Baby Surprise
Современная проза
Their Unfinished Business
Their Unfinished Business

Even after ten years Ali Conlan's heart still beat too strongly for the man who had left without a goodbye–and her body still responded to his bad-boy confidence and winning smile. But she knew his visit was all about business and his partnership in her family's resort.Or was Luke's real reason for returning to Trillium about unfinished business of a different sort…with her?

Современная проза
True Love, Inc.
True Love, Inc.

THE BATTLE… Cam Foley was mad–scratch that–he was furious. The last thing the widowed father wanted was a dating service pestering him.THE BARGAIN… True Love, Inc. owner Maddie Daniels never intended to infuriate the sexy single dad. But the irresistibly gorgeous Cam hadn't had a date in years–and she was just the person to help. So she struck a deal that she could find him the perfect woman…or ad...