Джерри Дэвис - автор 6 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: День триффидов. Мутант-59, Мутант-59, Doctor Who and the Cybermen. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Произведения Дж. Уиндема “День триффидов”, К.Педлера и Дж. Дэвиса “Мутант-59” относятся к жанру научной фантастики. Соединение в одном издании этих романов-предостережений усиливает звучание их общей темы — темы ответственности ученых перед человечеством.
Авторы романа — ученый и журналист. Их содружество не случайно: в произведении речь идет о современной экологии и биохимии, микробиологии и теории полимеров. Главная тема романа — ответственных ученых перед человечеством. Авторы гневно разоблачают дельцов от науки, в погоне за прибылью едва не поставивших мир на грань катастрофы. Написанный в остросюжетной манере, роман порадует всех любит...
In 2070, the Earth's weather is controlled from a base on the moon. But when the Doctor and his friends arrive, all is not well. They discover unexplained drops of air pressure, minor problems with the weather control systems, and an outbreak of a mysterious plague. With Jamie injured, and members of the crew going missing, the Doctor realises that the moonbase is under attack. Some malevolen...
History books don't always tell the whole story. Certainly there is no record of an episode that occurred when the Scots, led by Bonnie Prince Charlie, were defeated by the English at the Battle of Culloden in 1746... And the presence at the time of a blue police box on the Scottish moors seems to have escaped the notice of most eye-witnesses... THE HIGHLANDERS sets the record straight....
The TARDIS brings the Doctor and his friends to a space tracking base in the Antarctic - and straight into trouble. A space mission is going badly wrong, and a new planet has appeared in the sky. Mondas, ancient fabled twin planet of Earth has returned. Soon its inhabitants arrive. But while they used to be just like the humans of Earth, now they are very different. Devoid of emotions, their...
The Cybermen — silver, indestructible monsters whose only goal is power — seem to have disappeared from their planet, Telos. When a party of archaeologists, joined by the Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria, land on the Cybermen's barren, deserted planet, they uncover what appears to be their tomb. But once inside it becomes clear that the Cybermen are not dead, and some in the group of archaeologists ...