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Книги Мартина Уиндроу

Мартин Уиндроу - автор 11 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Сова, которой нравилось сидеть на Цезаре, Танковые дивизии вермахта, French Foreign Legionnaire 1890?1914. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Сова, которой нравилось сидеть на Цезаре
Сова, которой нравилось сидеть на Цезаре

Кто бы мог подумать, что сова, это животное, которое можно завести дома! Удивительная история о "пернатом" друге, который поселился в обычной городской квартире, с редактором книг о военной истории и изменил его жизнь навсегда. 15 лет невероятной дружбы и совместных приключений. Заметки автора, из личного дневника, о своей сове, которые переросли в целую книгу. Смешные моменты из жизни, интересн...

Военное дело
Танковые дивизии вермахта
Танковые дивизии вермахта

В течение первых трех лет войны танковые соединения вермахта господствовали на полях сражений. Сокрушительные победы, одерживаемые в это время танковыми войсками Рейха, повергали противников в настоящее оцепенение, хотя зачастую неприятель имел численныйперевес и - иногда - такие же по качеству, а подчас и в чем-то более лучшие, чем у вермахта, машины. Если бы понадобилось дать расширенное названи...

French Foreign Legionnaire 1890?1914
French Foreign Legionnaire 1890?1914

As France emerged from the Franco-Prussian War she embarked on a period of active colonialism, acquiring territories in South-East Asia and Africa. By the turn of the century much of north, west and central Africa was under French control. In order to police all of these territories, the French needed an army and so the French Foreign Legion was born. In this book, world-renowned Legion expert Mar...

French Foreign Legionnaire vs Viet Minh Insurgent: North Vietnam 1948?52
French Foreign Legionnaire vs Viet Minh Insurgent: North Vietnam 1948?52

The French Indochina War (1946-54) was the largest of the first generation of post-World War II wars of decolonization as Vietminh insurgents sought to topple their French colonial masters. It was also unique in that the insurgency evolved from low-level guerrilla activity to mobile operations by a large conventional army which finally defeated a large European-led expeditionary force, supported b...

The Owl Who Liked Sitting on Caesar
The Owl Who Liked Sitting on Caesar

"Perched on the back of a sunlit chair was something about 9 inches tall and shaped rather like a plump toy penguin with a nose-job. It appeared to be wearing a one-piece knitted jumpsuit of pale grey fluff with brown stitching, complete with an attached balaclava helmet. From the face-hole of the fuzzy balaclava, two big, shiny black eyes gazed up at me trustfully. Kweep, it said quietly." When a...

French Foreign Legion 1831–71
French Foreign Legion 1831–71

Concluding his bestselling series on the French Foreign Legion, Martin Windrow explores the formation and development of the Legion during its "first generation." Raised in 1831, the Legion's formative years would see it fight continuous and savage campaigns in Algeria, aid the Spanish government in the Carlist War, join the British in the Crimean campaign, and fight alongside the Swiss in the blo...

The French Indochina War 1946–54
The French Indochina War 1946–54

The states of Indochina had been French colonies or protectorates since the 19th century. However, in March 1945 the Japanese interned all French troops and officials, and turned over all civil government to local authorities. The power vacuum caused by the Japanese surrender allowed the Viet Minh, a strong revolutionary organisation, to be established throughout Vietnam. When the French returned ...

French Foreign Legion 1872-1914
French Foreign Legion 1872-1914

This volume covers the classic 'Beau Geste' period, of the French Foreign Legion when the corps was expanded during the most dynamic years of French imperial expansion. Legion battalions fought in the deserts and mountains of southern Algeria and Morocco, as well as in the jungles of North Vietnam, West Africa and Madagascar. Their varied uniforms and equipments for each period and theat...

French Foreign Legion: Infantry and Cavalry since 1945
French Foreign Legion: Infantry and Cavalry since 1945

Men of action and elite soldiers with a young and dynamic spirit, the French Foreign Legion are capable of doing their duty anywhere anytime. Martin Windrow's superb text examines the history of this famous force from the end of the Second World War onward. This first class addition to the Men-at-Arms series not only contains the usual wealth of accompanying photographs and illustrations, inc...

French Foreign Legion 1914-1945
French Foreign Legion 1914-1945

In this worthy addition to the Men-at-Arms series, Martin Windrow examines the history and uniforms of the French Foreign Legion from the start of the First World War to the end of the Second World War. The author's knowledgeable text covers such topics as a comprehensive battle history of the Legion on the Western Front 1914-18, the colonial campaigns in Morocco, Syria and Indochina, the Bat...

Воин и Солдат. История военного костюма
Воин и Солдат. История военного костюма

Роскошно оформленное и богато иллюстрированное подарочное издание с шелковым ляссе и трехсторонним золотым обрезом. Твердый переплет, обитый бархатом, украшен золотым тиснением. Книга вложена в оригинальный подарочный футляр. Подарочный альбом "Воин и Солдат. История военного костюма" - это уникальное сочетание высокого искусства и доведенной до абсолюта британской педантичности. Лучшие художни...