Damian Couceiro - автор 3 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Sons of Anarchy Vol. 2, Sons of Anarchy Vol. 3, Sons of Anarchy Vol. 1. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.
Two new stories for fans of the FX hit Sons of Anarchy! The town of Charming is more dangerous than ever.. In this new story arc set after the events of season three, Gemma and Tara must keep the peace on the homefront as Jax, Clay, and the others serve their time in prison. With bridges getting burned every day, the Sons of Anarchy work hard to get as many allies as they can before time runs o...
The first collection of the hit Sons of Anarchy comics based on the FX televisions series. Gun-smuggling outlaw bikers with complex pasts and gripping personalities. If you love “guys with guns” like we do, this is that genre at its most elevated. The BOOM! Studios' comic book ties into the FX crime drama about the Charming, CA Sons Of Anarchy motorcycle club. Written by novelist and frequent H...
The third volume of the FX hit Sons of Anarchy! Trouble rears its head in Tucson when a new MC, The Slaughter, ride into town looking to deal meth against the Sons’ wishes...and they won’t let anyone, including SAMTAZ and SAMCRO combined, stand in their way. With loyalties tested and lives on the line, double-crosses abound, and it’s up to Jax to keep it all together. Written by Ed Brisson (She...
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