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Книги Билла Уоттерсона

Билл Уоттерсон - автор 12 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Кальвин и Хоббс. Все дни забиты до предела, Кальвин и Хоббс. Здесь повсюду сокровища!, Кальвин и Хоббс. Убийственный психо-джунглевый кот. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Тип сюжета
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Детская литература
Кальвин и Хоббс. Все дни забиты до предела
Кальвин и Хоббс. Все дни забиты до предела

Со времен Кристофера Робина и Винни-Пуха литература не знала иных примеров столь крепкой и искренней дружбы между игрушкой и человеком, пока художник и автор комиксов Билл Уоттерсон не создал блистательный дуэт - шестилетнего вундеркинда Кальвина и его плюшевого тигра Хоббса, героев одного из самых известных и популярных комиксов на планете! Шквал шуток, бездонный запас проказ и выдумок, прогул...

Кальвин и Хоббс. Здесь повсюду сокровища!
Кальвин и Хоббс. Здесь повсюду сокровища!

Издательство Zangavar продолжает публикацию серии комиксов о Кальвине и Хоббсе — впервые без сокращений и с полноценным литературным переводом! Читатели познакомятся как с ежедневными черно-белыми стрипами, так и с цветными, «воскресными» выпусками о похождениях пары верных друзей. Со времен Кристофера Робина и Винни-Пуха литература не знала иных примеров столь крепкой и искренней дружбы между ...

Кальвин и Хоббс. Убийственный психо-джунглевый кот
Кальвин и Хоббс. Убийственный психо-джунглевый кот

Третья книга стрипов Билла Уоттерсона, повествующих о жизни шестилетнего вундеркинда Кальвина и его плюшевого тигра Хоббса, героев одного из самых известных и популярных комиксов на планете! Шквал шуток, бездонный запас проказ и выдумок, прогулки по окрестностям маленького городка, сопровождаемые рассуждениями о смысле жизни, любви, родителях, учёбе и тяжких страданиях, которые эта учёба причиняе...

Классическая литература
Calvin and Hobbes: It's A Magical World
Calvin and Hobbes: It's A Magical World

When cartoonist Bill Watterson announced that his phenomenally popular cartoon strip would be discontinued on the last day of 1995, Calvin and Hobbes fans throughout the world went into mourning. Fans have learned to survive - despite the absence of the boy and his tiger in the daily newspaper. Now, like the wave of a sweet memory; comes one last chance to experience Calvin and Hobbes, in its fina...

The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book
The Calvin and Hobbes Lazy Sunday Book

The magical friendship shared by Calvin and his stuffed tiger Hobbes has endeared them to millions of fans in their comic strip appearing in more than 800 newspapers and in millions of books. Now their friendship endures in a full-color collection of Sunday cartoons and original art done for the book, all fit for a lazy Sunday afternoon. Whether visiting other planets as Spaceman Spiff, transmogri...

Детская литература
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes is unquestionably one of the most popular comic strips of all time. The imaginative world of a boy and his real-only-to-him tiger has charmed readers for twenty years. And now in The Complete Calvin and Hobbes those fans can discover the ultimate Calvin and Hobbes treasure chest, a deluxe three-volume set containing every daily and Sunday Calvin and Hobbes cartoon that appeared i...

Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Annive
Calvin and Hobbes Tenth Annive

A special tenth anniversary edition of comic cartoons starring the Calvin and Hobbes pair. Calvin, cheeky, hyperactive and mischievous, and Hobbes, his cuddly toy tiger who, as far as Calvin is concerned is very much alive and kicking, are two of the most loveable and hilarious characters to grace the comic strip in years. Sit back and enjoy...

The Indispensable Calvin And Hobbes
The Indispensable Calvin And Hobbes

They're back: Calvin, the six-year-old dirty tricksmeister and master of indignation and his warm, cuddly philosopher sidekick, Hobbes, a tiger whose idea of adventure is to lie on his back by the fire and have his stomach rubbed. In six short years this unlikely due has captured the hearts, the minds, and, most of all, the funny bones of America. They are the msot phenomenal success story in...

Weirdos from Another Planet!
Weirdos from Another Planet!

Yet another Calvin and Hobbes collection compiled from Watterson's daily syndicated comic strip. YAs will enjoy Calvin and Hobbes' triumphs as they outwit Rosalyn the babysitter or discover life on Mars via their intergalactic "little red wagon"; they'll ee the daring Spaceman Spiff battle vile alien monsters; and they'll shiver with terror as Calvin the tyrannosaurus rules the...

Yukon Ho!
Yukon Ho!

The spirit of childhood leaps to life again with boundless energy and magic in Yukon Ho!, the newest collection of adventures featuring rambunctious six-year-old Calvin and his co-conspirator tiger-chum, Hobbes. Picking up where The Essential Calvin and Hbbes left off, Yukon Ho! is sure to begin an immediate reign at the top of bestseller lists everywhere!

The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes
The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes

The week it hit the stores, Weirdos from Another Planet! touched down at No. 1 on Walden's and B. Dalton's bestseller lists and No. 2 on the New York Times bestseller list. How do you top such success? With The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes, a large-format treasury of the cartoons from Yukon Ho! and Weirdos from Another Planet! (including full-color Sunday cartoons) plus a full-color original st...