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Книги Колина Бейтмэна

Колин Бейтмэн - автор 5 книг. Из известных произведений можно выделить: Титаник 2020, Cannibal City (Titanic 2020 #2), Divorcing Jack. Все книги можно читать онлайн и бесплатно скачивать на нашем портале.

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Титаник 2020
Титаник 2020

2020 год. В Белфасте построено чудо техники - новый "Титаник". Прапрадедушка 13-летнего Джимми Армстронга утонул на старом "Титанике" в 1912 году, и с тех пор все в их семействе идет наперекосяк. Забияка и двоечник Джимми, которого только что исключили из школы за плохое поведение, тайком пробирается на борт пустого лайнера. Он всего лишь хочет поразить своей смелостью одноклассников, но "Тита...

Cannibal City (Titanic 2020 #2)
Cannibal City (Titanic 2020 #2)

Lucky Jimmy Armstrong and his friend Claire find themselves deserted by the new Titanic on an unfamiliar shore. With normal life changed forever, the world is left in the hands of cannibals, murderers and gangs. They are back to fighting for survival. Well, that, and running ...fast! Then after overhearing a group of survivors with a startling story they stumble upon the one thing that has become ...

Divorcing Jack
Divorcing Jack

Devastatingly witty, ceaselessly inventive and lightning-paced thriller. "A joy from start to finish - reads like The Thirty-nine Steps rewritten for the nineties by Roddy Doyle." Time Out

Titanic 2020 (Titanic 2020 #1)
Titanic 2020 (Titanic 2020 #1)

Everyone said the original Titanic was unsinkable. We all know how that story ended. The new Titanic is also supposedly unsinkable. But there are worse things than drowning as Jimmy Armstrong quickly finds out. Stowing away wasn't one of his better ideas but having to work his passage and put up with spoilt girl Claire is enough to make anyone want to jump overboard...That is until he finds o...

Cycle of Violence
Cycle of Violence

This new thriller by the author of Divorcing Jack confirms all the promise of the acclaimed first novel--a powerful page-turner marked by an antic blend of sinister violence and side-splitting dialogue. Bicycling journalist Miller is transferred from Belfast to Crossmaheart, a beleagured and depressed outpost from which--to no one's great surprise--the previous reporter has disappeared.