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Doctor Who is strangely concerned about Professor Horner's plan to cut open an ancient barrow near the peaceful village of Devil's End. Equally worried is Miss Hawthorne, the local white witch, who foretells a terrible disaster if he goes ahead. The only person who wants the Professor to open the barrow is the new vicar (in truth THE MASTER) whose secret ceremonies are designed to conjure up from out of the barrow a horribly powerful being... Книга «Doctor Who and the Dæmons» автора Бэрри ...

Doctor Who is strangely concerned about Professor Horner's plan to cut open an ancient barrow near the peaceful village of Devil's End. Equally worried is Miss Hawthorne, the local white witch, who foretells a terrible disaster if he goes ahead. The only person who wants the Professor to open the barrow is the new vicar (in truth THE MASTER) whose secret ceremonies are designed to conjure up from out of the barrow a horribly powerful being... Книга «Doctor Who and the Dæmons» автора Бэрри Леттс оценена посетителями КнигоГид, и её читательский рейтинг составил 8.00 из 10.
Для бесплатного просмотра предоставляются: аннотация, публикация, отзывы, а также файлы для скачивания.

  • Просмотров: 189
  • Рецензий: 0
Информация об издании
  • Переводчики: не указаны
  • Серия: Target novelisations
  • ISBN (EAN): 0-426-11332-2
  • Языки: Английский
  • Возрастное ограничение: не указано
  • Год написания: 1980

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Зов Ктулху. Рассказы. Повести
Зов Ктулху. Рассказы. Повести

При жизни этот писатель не опубликовал ни одной книги, после смерти став кумиром как массового читателя, так и искушенного эстета, и неиссякаемым источником вдохновения для кино- и игровой индустрии; его называли "Эдгаром По ХХ века", гениальным безумцем и адептом тайных знаний; его творчество уникально настолько, что потребовало выделения в отдельный поджанр; им восхищались Роберт Говард и Клайв ...

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Только играй
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Современная проза
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The Doctor and Sarah arrive safely back on Earth - or do they? Why does the mysterious soldier march straight over a cliff — and then reappear unharmed? Why are they attacked by the sinister mechanics with built-in guns for hands? Why is a picturesque country village at first deserted — then filled with mindless zombies? And why are their best friends suddenly trying to kill them? The Doctor has...

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On a peaceful rural planet, where the colourful pageantry of old Ruritania mingles with ultra-modern Android technology, the Doctor becomes a king-maker in spite of himself. In his search for another segment of the Key to Time, the Doctor matches wits and swords with the evil Count Grendel - aided, of course, by Romana and the invaluable K9.

Planet of Giants
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The Doctor is feeling confident: this time the TARDIS has landed on Earth; in England; in 1963. But when he and his companions venture outside, they are soon lost in a maze of ravines and menaced by gigantic insects. And the insects are dying — every living thing is dying... Meanwhile, in a cottage garden on a perfect summer's day, the man from the Ministry arrives to put a stop to the producti...

Death to the Daleks
Death to the Daleks

A mysterious power-loss strands the TARDIS on Exxilon, a sinister fog-shrouded alien planet. Forced to brave the dangers of the planet, the Doctor meets the survivors of a beleaguered expedition from Earth searching for a precious mineral that can save the galaxy from a terrible space-plague. Sarah finds a mysterious super-City and becomes a captive of the savage Exxilons, and, worst of all, the D...

Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters
Doctor Who and the Carnival of Monsters

The Doctor and Jo land on a cargo ship crossing the Indian Ocean in the year 1926. Or so they think. Far away on a planet called Inter Minor, a travelling showman is setting up his live peepshow, watched by an eager audience of space officials... On board ship, a giant hand suddenly appears, grasps the Tardis and withdraws. Without warning, a prehistoric monster rises from the sea to atta...

Doctor Who and the Claws of Axos
Doctor Who and the Claws of Axos

'Axos calling Earth, Axos calling Earth...' The creatures stood before them, beautiful golden humanoids, offering friendship and their priceless Axonite, in return for - what? Only Doctor Who remains suspicious. What is the real reason for the Axons' sudden arrival on Earth? And why is the evil Master a passenger on their spaceship? He very soon finds out...

Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks
Doctor Who and the Day of the Daleks

Mysterious humans from 22nd-century Earth 'time-jump' back into the 20th century so as to assassinate a high-ranking diplomat on whom the peace of the world depends. DOCTOR WHO, Jo Grant and the Brigadier are soon called in to investigate. Jo is accidentally transported forward to the 22nd century; the Doctor follows, eventually to be captured by his oldest and deadliest enemy - the DALE...

Doctor Who and the Face of Evil
Doctor Who and the Face of Evil

Setting the controls for Earth, the Doctor is surprised when the TARDIS lands in a primeval forest. Has the Tracer gone wrong or has some impulse deep in his unconscious mind directed him to this alien planet? In investigating the forest, the Doctor meets and assists Leela, a warrior banished from her tribe, the Sevateem. Through Leela it gradually becomes apparent that the constant war between th...

Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks
Doctor Who and the Genesis of the Daleks

The place: Skaro Time: The Birth of the Daleks After a thousand years of futile war against the Thals, Davros has perfected the physical form that will carry his race into eternity - the dreaded Dalek. Without feeling, conscience or pity, the Dalek is programmed to EXTERMINATE. At the command of the Time Lords, Doctor Who travels back through time in an effort to totally destroy this t...

Doctor Who and the Hand of Fear
Doctor Who and the Hand of Fear

The TARDIS lands in England, and Sarah, the Doctor's companion, looks forward to going home. A freak accident in a quarry leaves the unconscious Sarah clutching an enormous stone Hand. The Hand is the only surviving remnant of Eldrad, an alien super-being expelled from his planet, Kastria - and it has the power to control the human mind. Using Sarah as its instrument, the Hand goes in s...